I'd be the first one to admit I'm EXTREMELY picky when it comes to pixel-art games--which is just a nice way of saying I'm a graphics-whore and I don't like most of them, with a couple of rare exceptions like Stardew Valley.
With that said, I'm actually liking this. It has that Avatar/Legend of Korra thing going. And not just generally-speaking, like in the stated theme/plot (ya know,a savior changing the world one place at a time), but also more specifically, like in the fantastical-yet-somehow-still-realistic martial-arts action sequences in the video above.
Though again, as a graphics-whore, I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish that they'd gone a similar path to Bloodstained's gorgeous graphics. I mean, it's NOT like the higher graphics fidelity would actually detract from the seriousness or coolness of the premise, story AND gameplay, right? If anything, it'll actually enhance it (think the new more-serious Mulan adaptation). But then again, it IS an indie company, so... limits. Which is too bad. AAA developers/publishers--with marketing budgets alone already rivaling the entire national budgets of some third-world countries--should be putting out more exciting & cool stuff like this.
Okay, got it. I know both games were mentioned in the OP, but I thought Control was the main subject there, and the other game was literally just an afterthought.
"...same sort of location on a ship..." -- Huh? Umm, are we talking about the same game here, as in Control? Because unless I missed some new development these past few days, that game does NOT happen on a ship. It's in a building. And before you say "that's still just one location", no, it's not a regular building; it's a multi-dimensional one, like a nexus or something. In other words, you actually go to many different places & settings, including what looked like Hellscapes and Alien Worlds (check it out on YouTube if you haven't).
As for it being "just a choose your own adventure story", that's a bit of an over-simplification, my friend. I mean, I LITERALLY could say the same thing about any other game or genre with a branching path. But I think what you're trying to say is that you think the story is too simple. Since it's not out yet, I honestly don't know; who knows, you could be right about it. But even if your prediction were to hold true (about the story), seeing all the frantic gameplay footage from here on GameSpot AND other sites, I think the gameplay alone, even without a strong story, is still more than enough to at least entice me to try out this game. I just think it's really cool.
As for Blair Witch, Astral Chain & Switch, totally agreed. But then again, Switch was already underpowered from the moment it launched--or some would even argue--from the moment it was announced. So... yeah.
That's exactly what I was thinking, actually. When you first brought up that Melina AND Taskmaster were both gonna be on the film (& no star was cast for Taskmaster), my first instinct, for some reason, was to think, "Oh. So they're gonna make 'em the same character then?"
Just to be clear, you're talking about Shadow of the Tomb Raider versus Tomb Raider: Underworld from 2008, right? If so, then I absolutely agree with your last two sentences. Including the super-innocent, but super-awesome, reboot-Lara.
When I noticed on my auto-scrolling RSS feed that there's a new article up on GameSpot "about bra sizes", I immediately "sensed" that you wrote it, for whatever reason. Perhaps it's the kind of feature that you would do--and I've read & watched a lot of yours. After I clicked on the link, I saw that it was indeed you who wrote the piece, and I'm glad that you did.
June-GS's comments