I, along with my family & friends, absolutely LOVE Lyanna Mormont, from her VERY first scene. So this "tribute" video of yours is great.
With that said, and with all due respect, what exactly is the point of you editing her scenes into this random sequence? I assume you're gonna say, that you did the order from "good to best" (as she had no bad scenes). But what exactly is your criterion for judging what is "good or better or best"? I'm asking because, as I've said, we love her (and we cried our eyes out when she AND her cousin gave their lives honorably), and so I know all her scenes by heart, and I just CAN'T see what criteria you're using for ordering the scenes. It's not by the theme or by the characters she's talking to or even by the humour in it. As far as I can tell, it's just totally random. If you were never really going for any specific order to it, then you should've just gone chronologically. It would've made more sense for other people, and it certainly wouldn't have made your editing any harder. But most importantly, it still would have gone from "good to best"...
To be fair, sir, running down unspeared AND chaotic undead infantry using a full cavalry charge (armed with burning anti-undead weapons) COULD have been a sound tactic. But NOT at that moment, and not at that place. And certainly not BLINDLY like that! As I BRIEFLY mentioned in my comment above, sending out some light Dothraki scouts just to check out enemy unit composition would have made a WORLD of difference. For one thing, they wouldn't have charged an undead-mammoth frontline. I, for one, would've taken them out first with incendiary artillery (the trebuchets & then the catapults when they get too close) and long-range archers. But as you alluded to in your comment, if the battle was too logical, it also wouldn't have been so "dramatic", would it? ;)
I'm not getting into the military, strategic or tactical mistakes of the episode simply because that would take far too long. I mean, just as an example: Right at the VERY beginning, they didn't even think to recon the enemy lines using highly-mobile Dothraki scouts (using the dragons to survey could've been too dangerous coz of the Night King's magic javelins) so they could at least ascertain the enemy's frontline composition, which would've prevented them from making that disastrous cavalry charge into that (undead mammoth) anti-cavalry line.
@ryanerikp and @mixedbizness:
Anyway, besides that, I just wanna say a couple of less-serious things: First of all, the correct term is "cavalry" not "calvary" as you kept saying in the entire video (I'm not sure if you did so in earlier episodes). "Cavalry" is the mounted units, while "Calvary" is where Christ was crucified near Jerusalem. It's no big; many of my own friends get that wrong; it's just an FYI for ya.
Secondly, that "knife move" Arya made, as you guys put it, has always been part of advanced hand-to-hand combat training in the military. But in terms of pop-culture, as far as my friends & I can remember, it was first "popularized" in the film The Hunted back in 2003, where Tommy Lee Jones plays a veteran instructor who teaches those knife-combat skills to Benicio Del Toro's assassin character. And that predates the later Resident Evil: Apocalypse Alice scene or the MUCH-later Star Wars Rey scene.
Thirdly, I can't believe none of you guys commented on Ser Davos, not even Tamoor & Dave! I mean, haven't you all written him off as dead just last week? Now don't get me wrong, he is definitely one of my personal favorites, but come on! You say Sam "shouldn't" have survived? But he's still young & strong, he's got a family to protect at all cost AND yes, he's killed a White Walker before. But as for Davos, he's only a knight by name. He's old and has "no combat skills whatsoever", he said so himself! He's basically an old non-combatant adviser who should be down in the crypts right by Tyrion! The fact that he survived that World War Z TSUNAMI of zombies (right behind Arya) is just the first feat! The second feat is while super-tough warriors like Brienne & Tormund & Sandor looked absolutely ravaged AND exhausted, Davos looked like he just came down from the attic from all the stupid spring-cleaning! The third feat is... drumroll... after that Apocalyptic Horror that they all just went through, I can't believe he STILL had the presence of mind to think, "Oh sh--, almost forgot about Mel!", and quickly ran to the gates, with sword ready to attack.
Yes, I know he hates her because of Shireen, but man...
Hmm, for one reason or another, I never lost faith in Borderlands. I just somehow sensed that they were gonna make it good. So I'm glad you guys confirmed early that I was right for keeping faith in Gearbox. Thanks.
Yeah... I gotta admit, I'm guilty as well. After I'd completely digested the episode, my literally first thought was, "Hey wait, where the f*ck is gh--"
Hi, long-time fan of your show; first-time commenter. Hey, it IS the last season (for both shows).
Anyway, I just wanted to say, that though I'm probably in the minority here, I think the casualties for MAJOR characters (as opposed to the supports & extras) will be minimal in Episode 3, maybe just 1-2 or even 3 (especially for fan-favorites). My basis for this is the various interviews I've seen out there with the cast AND crew (for weeks now). From the way they explained it, the coming battle is SO big, that it's more than likely that it won't be resolved in a single episode alone. In other words, it's quite possible that the creators would spread or "pace" out the deaths across multiple episodes. I mean, they can't kill almost everyone on the very first battle episode, and THEN no one else dies after that; that'd be dumb. After all, as a student of military history, a "battle of attrition" is exactly what I would pursue if I was the Night King. The more living folks die, the stronger my Undead Army becomes. The longer the battle is, the more opportunities there would be for my magic-javelins/anti-aircraft to shoot down their dragons/close air support. So yes, I'd actually try to drag the battle out, if at all possible (which means multiple episodes). Also, remember what Tyrion said about nobody dying. It's obviously a joke. But as you both suggested in the video, it's high time that Tyrion rolled a "big 6" idea. So he COULD very well pull out an ace out of his ass that would at least minimize the good guys' casualties, even if just temporarily.
Then again, it could just be my own wishful thinking, heh. It's also entirely possible that the Night King would stealthily send a vanguard/commando unit of White Walkers through those underground tunnels, into the Crypt, raise the dead, slaughter the women & children hiding there, raise them as well, and then rush out this secondary force (of zombie women & children) from below (scaring the LIVING shit out of Arya). It would be a multi-pronged assault, in THREE dimensions.
Well, at least that's how I would do it. I guess we'll see, soon enough.
Just read your reply. LOL, wait what? Oh, so I'm deranged & retarted now? First of all, if you're somehow offended by my earlier comment coz you're a Cersei fanboy, then I feel sorry for you (& your family & friends). But don't call me names, boy. I didn't call you names, and you sure as hell don't know shit about me. If you're just another troll, then GTFO; we don't need your kind here. But if you want a civilized discussion, then read below:
"...she was just getting into Tyrion’s head..." -- So let me get this straight, YOUR defense is that she DOESN'T actually believe he murdered her children, but that she only wants to MAKE Tyrion believe that she believes it? All that, just to "play with his emotions"? Wow, LOL. The only thing painfully obvious here, guy, is how weak your understanding AND argument of the situation is. First of all, she's been saying the same damn thing over & over again, to everybody else, in private, WITHOUT Tyrion being around. So no, she's NOT just saying those things "for Tyrion's benefit", as you're arguing. Yes, she actually BELIEVES he killed her children. Her brain may know he factually didn't, but she's been looking for every excuse to hate him, quite LITERALLY since he was born. So her heart WANTS to believe that he killed her children, and so she does. Her heart CAN'T believe she indirectly killed them, and so she doesn't. Secondly, WHY? She doesn't need to "get into" Tyrion's head to MAKE him believe that SHE believes he killed them. Tyrion (along with everybody else in the world with at least half a brain) ALREADY BELIEVES that she believes it! So yes, it'd be pointless, as she'd be preachin' to the choir! Besides all that, if she "didn't really believe" Tyrion WOULD murder her child--as you claim, then please remind us again, why was he on trial in the first place? If she "didn't really believe" Tyrion would murder her child, then remind us also, why was she so shocked & furious when Jaime told her that it was actually Olenna Tyrell that did it? "Didn't really believe it", huh? Oh, please. It's more than OBVIOUS that she couldn't have believed it more if she tried.
Thus, your whole defense, "She can't be deranged & retarded, coz she didn't REALLY believe what she was saying!", is totally baseless and simply wrong. The funny part is, in her own insane Cersei way, what she's doing is actually quite LOGICAL. Why, you ask? Well, she HAS to believe--with every fiber of her being--that Tyrion (or someone else) was responsible. For if she didn't, then the Truth would slowly creep into her mind; the Truth that SHE was actually responsible for it all.
June-GS's comments