I still love SimCity & Maxis, but this serves you right, EA. For trying to screw your customers and fans with yet another stupid and ultimately useless online DRM. At least others like Ubisoft have learned their lessons. Apparently, you haven't.
@LesserAngel @maddogmark25 Exactly. It's stupid, like I said. And in the end, they lost profits anyway! So they lost both sides of the argument here! How ironic is that.
OMG. EA, I've always been indifferent to you, I neither love you nor hate you. Always giving your games a chance. But seriously? Cancelling a great horror series, that's now even scarier than the RE series? Just coz one of its sequel didn't do quite so awesome--which is your fault anyway? This is, by far, the single most stupid thing you've ever done, if you really did do it.
PS: And why do you publishers always assume we gamers only want an "action" game? Is Action the only genre we buy? Do you really believe we're all that monotonous?
Jeez. Seriously, Valve? After everything, you're still allowing people to buy this... thing from you? Didn't you pull it out to protect your customers and users in the first place? Sigh, I still like you, Steam, but you just lost a lot of respect points from us.
Sega, I understand you wanna "get in on the action" with COD, but you don't really need to do that. The Alien/Aliens universe or franchise has its own very strong, very mature and well-established fanbase. As long as you cater to us, we'll support you just as well. In fact, if you are very different from COD, who's to say that people won't like you even more?
Gearbox, we love you for making such awesome co-op games like Borderlands/2, but if you signed a contract with somebody, then you should be committed to it. You're not just bound legally, but also ethically.
Timegate, if you know that Gearbox--which outsourced the game to you "temporarily"--will only have nine months to polish up the build from you, then why the heck didn't you optimize it in the first place? You may or may not be legally required to do it, but it's called good service. More companies will want to hire you for having a good record! People barely know your studio as it is, but now, with this demerit under your belt, what do you think will happen?
"...prioritizing creativity over sales..." -- Well, good for you Mr. Kojima. I have always respected you before, but now even more so just for saying that.
I have no problems about it releasing on Steam. I use it too. If it somehow helps with the earlier release date, then even better. But to think that by being exclusive to just that platform would somehow better help their bottomline in the long-run? IDK about that.
June-GS's comments