"... it was known as SOE Fan Faire." -- They've been doin it for a long time, I know. But the cute pun still gives me a chuckle every now and then, LOL.
Wow, you really put your balls out on the line for this one, @Tom Mc Shea. Whether or not we agree with you, I gotta give ya props just for that. I still believe the old boys at the NRA are a bigger threat than us, the gaming industry. But at the very least, your article made me think that, yes, we should open our minds more to the possibility that we might have some fault of our own. Lest we become exactly like the NRA, for thinking that we couldn't possibly be wrong.
While it's true that wired obviously wins out performance-wise, the convenience that wireless provides is practically unbeatable. But regarding the router itself being "gamer-oriented", I'll believe it when I see the production line's benchmarks.
June-GS's comments