@JodyR @Synthia @BenderUnit22 Yeah... I guess you're right, Jody. It IS better with people you know, or strangers who are nice. Okay then, I'll give it another shot with you good folks later. I'll add ya and see ya guys in-game. IGN's "CaL4m17y".
@satyanjoy @top8cat The "main" version of DirectX, yes, it's a Windows-exclusive. But M$ has a modified version of it for the Xbox/360 consoles. As for OpenGL, no, you got it reversed actually. It's the hardware developers, AMD/ATi & NVIDIA, who must support the latest standards like OpenGL 4.3, NOT the other way around. And as of this writing, the current generation of cards do. So it's not an OpenGL to hardware developer issue. It's an OpenGL to GAME developer issue. They just don't support it. I said game developers because non-game software developers in general actually DO support OpenGL and its derivatives (e.g. Adobe, Autodesk, etc.). Technically, OpenGL is a very sound standard. It actually supports MOST of the things we need or want for our gaming visuals. And believe me, gaming visuals are very important to me, second only to excellent gameplay. So the hindrance is definitely not that. But as I've implied above, that topic is beyond the scope of our very limited comment thread here. If only we were in a full-blown forum thread, we could continue the topic there about why game developers don't support a good standard like OpenGL.
Wait, what?! I wasn't gonna say anythin at first, but I'm pissed, so I will. Wow. So it's automatically us evil gamers and developers who are to blame, huh? And the holier-than-thou NRA who want every crazed f*ck and his mother to have guns, totally don't have blood in their hands for this aweful tragedy?! Incredible...
June-GS's comments