[QUOTE="ironcreed"][QUOTE="Redfingers"]Man...I've got a PC that I just recently brought to maximum AGP potential (which is admittedly limited), I would never buy an Xbox 360. Similarly, if I had an Xbox 360, I wouldn't sell it for a PC upgrade. What are you interested in? Supreme Commander? Because that's practically it. Xbox 360 is collecting steam like nobody's business. They're getting a huge amount of titles...with your time spent on it, you've only played Call of Duty 2 (crap), and Gears (poo), while Bioshock, Mass Effect (ooh, ahh), and Blue Dragon are coming out before the years end. You haven't gotten your value out of the system. It is my misfortune there was never an opportune or sensible moment for me to splurge on an Xbox 360. I went instead to the PS3 for that reason (and, Wii was never in stock). To the guy who decided he needed to buy both the Xbox 360 and PS3...what are you, crazy?? Pick one or the other! That's a MONSTROUS sum of money, no wonder you didn't have any cash for games. Think about your purchase before you go out and load out that deck of cash! Seriously, whew. The 360's never interested me until now, but since I project only 3-4 years left in that sucker, I'm on the sidelines. Might as well get your money's worth instead of throwing it right back to Gamestop so that can screw you on it.Miguel16
Well, speaking for myself, I have both a 360 and a PS3 now and I certainly do not think that I am crazy because I bought both, as they both appeal to me. Just like with PS2 and Xbox 1, I had to have them both because each system had something unique to offer. As far as future multi-plat releases go, I will just buy which ever version is the best, or which ever version comes out first.
Anyway, I just consider it having the best of both gaming worlds, while the Wii simply does not even come into the equation as far as my tastes go. As the Wii is nothing but a slightly tweaked and over clocked GC in different housing, only with a cute, gimmicky little remote. Too bad that the Wiimote does not hide the fact that Nintendo is STILL being shunned by the third party developers, hence, this is why it will be just like the GC all over again, as far as software goes.
So, in my opinion, the cream of the crop titles will be released on either the 360, PS3 or BOTH, and that is why I wanted both. As for the Wii....yes, it is cheaper in price....for A REASON. After all, for how many years can one possibly enjoy Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Metroid over and over again? Uhhhh....no thanks. Give me games like Resistance, Lair, Virtua Fighter 5, Killzone 2, Assassin's Creed, Star Wars : Force Unleashed, Bioshock and Mass Effect, ect., ect, ect ANYDAY over that rubbish. To each their own though of course, lol.
PS3 and 360 for the win, baby.8)
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