Whats the big deal. The big fans get it, everyone else will pass on it. Also, what are you talking about. It comes with all of the stuff that is in the other versions.limpbizkit818standard for me im a halo fan but the helmet and all that stuff i dont really need. good luck wearing that helmet and tryying to play.
JuniorXL4's forum posts
Its not all doom and glom, that there is a reason to smile for Sony loyalists. I think all Sony needs to do is drop the price any amount (obviously $1 won't impact anyone's decisions) and it will get more buyers. I own the machine and I have no qualms about buying it, and the rumble free controllers are superior to their predecessors. This is one note to all people who bash the graphics because they don't look some damn awesome out of the box: ANYONE remember 360's first games, they looked WORSE than a good number of Xbox games! PS3 games look far superior to nearly all PS2 games (debatable obviously) and, like good wine, they get a lot better with age. So for anyone that moans about graphics, there is inrefutable evidence that the advent of better graphics for the PS3, that its an eventuality that 360 graphics will always be substandard to PS3
I don't understand how 360 fanboys, can complain about the Ps3s price? I mean factor in the 200 dollar, HD-DVD addon, and the 50 dollar Live Membership along with the Wireless Network access, and you would wonder who was getting ripped off. lol are you on something come on microsoft gives you a choice you dont have to buy the hd-dvd add on if you dont want too.for the ps3 you forced on blue-ray which i dont understand. also live if you look at it 50 a year lol thats only 4$ dollars a month but i guess 4$ dollars a month is too high for you right.
[QUOTE="romocop33"]he's lucky he didn't get decapitated by that hit he took in the playoffs, i believe it was the divisional game.Miyomatic
Fun to watch. :)
grahahahahahaahaha cant get tired of that one lol saints disgust me. everyone feels sorry for the them becuase of the hurricane and now they want them to win the SB. back to subject yea hes lucky to have great players around him the saints staff is very smart though. PS: there not americas team[QUOTE="ShakeNBake1491"]Sony makes me laugh... they talk down to the companies they steal from. I don't get it? RoyTheSwordsman
Nintendo wasnt the first to invent customizable little avatars to play with... i mean come on. If anything Sony is making a little mini second life. I think it is an awesome addition and wish the wii had something like that, but then again thats the story of nintendos life, to come up with some decent ideas and totally screw it up and make it useless ie: miis and online wifi games. Its awesome how Sony does it and makes it totally awesome, lol.
PS: Most people like to have a more realistic picture or avatar posted of themselves through the internet as proven on myspace and all those social websites. Nintendos mii feature is a joke with barely any customization and realism.
I Agree
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