And about this whole "You aren't allowed to change because it's art"-stuff: Yeah right, and the movie industry never invented Directors Cuts with alternate endings, amirite?
Actually till now I really liked GameSpot but how they defend that lazy piece of writing I refuse to call an ending or conclusion at all slowly turns them into Mass Effect 3 Organics while we're becoming the reapers. I wonder if they chose to control, destroy or merge us?
And exactly this is the reason why Pirate Parties worldwide are so successful in legal politics, and it seems as if it becomes more and more neccessary to have those who oppose bullcrap like this
I loved the Galaxy Map Theme in Mass Effect, really great work, it creates utmost impact with very minimalistic effects, something only real artist can do. His work really sounds good. Furthermore he said he adores John William like I do. If he as well would have mentioned Nobou Uematsu I'd straight marry this a straight guy! xD
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