@srfilk86: You make it sound like Nintendo is going to be adding less games than they were before. They were previously adding them once a month. Nintendo said they'll be adding more games than they've been doing in the past, they're just not going to adhering to a specific schedule.
The author of the article just gave it a negative spin because they're notoriously unsupportive of Nintendo... and you are up their bs like a sucker.
The title of this article made it sound like Nintendo isn't going to be adding games on a regular basis. The only thing they said is that it won't be adhering to a schedule. Of course since its Gamespot and they're talking about Nintendo, the author spins it to make it sound negative.
@ticktockman1979: That's odd. I'd never build a PC without a disc drive. There are still a lot of games that can only be played by using an install disc.
@mcnichoj: I personally listen to and purchase CDs and Vinyls regularly, but I'm really in to music.
I mostly game on PC, but I used to rip music from CDs to save on my Xbox because I liked listening to my own music in some games instead of the music already in the game.
@Jinzo_111887: plus there hasn't been successful game console in years that's not made by Xbox, Sony, or Nintendo; and even Nintendo barely made it by after the WiiU disaster.
I'm guessing this guy doesn't own a car, PC, or game console, because those all have CD players.
The short answer to the question is if stadia services stop, the owners are left with a hunk of electronic waste they have to either throw away illegally or figure out how to recycle.
Although if a tree falls and no one ever purchased it's game console, does it really make a noise?
@chubby170: It sounds like you're confused as to what ignorant means. Ignorance is having a lack of knowledge. Examples of ignorance would be not knowing Spanish people come from Spain, not knowing the difference between a tariff and an income tax, or thinking Hispanic is not a race. For someone to not know that Hispanic is a race, they would have to be extremely ignorant. In fact they would probably have never even applied for a job because when it asks your race on job applications it always lists Hispanic.
JustinGoSka's comments