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Good post.

But none of those games really appeal to me, at all.

Armored Core 4 mabye.

but that's about it.
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[QUOTE="Hammerofjustice"][QUOTE="abusedbunny"]doom 3 did suckabusedbunny

no it didn't, i bet you didn't even play it, your just jumping on the doom 3 sucked bandwagon.

why assume that i didnt play it? i have, pc and xbox, and i hated the weapons.

I bought it, it was okay, it was all the same though, run and gun. it looked amazing for its time. but it got old really fast.
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Tell Carmack that Doom 3 sucked and to keep his mouth shut until he makes a good game. apolloluke
haha LAWL
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I liked the halo 2 sniper better...

but I think they are just using the green thing from halo 1 temporarily, or at least I hope
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The Wii will have flopped by 2009.apolloluke
it can't really flop. Something can't just suddenly flop, it has to come out and flop pretty much right after that. You could say halo 2 will flop by q4 07 because people will be done with it. ya know?
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Why does evryone doubt Nintendo's console I mean just look at the DS everyone thought that it was going to fail at lauch but it turned into on of the best handhelds ever created.zachdragon
simply because of the hardware /thread.
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[QUOTE="Animeninja7"]Yup, the Lemmings are Homeless. LOL.the-very-best

That was pretty funny.

It's annoying to see so many people jealous of Home though. I don't think everyone realizes that MS is going to be forced to counteract so a price drop for XBL or a new feature may come in the near future and it would be due to PSHome.

I dont think one person here is jealous of home buddy... It's pretty much an excuse to distract people from the terrible PSO, which shouldn't be too hard anyways. I'd rather have anyone see my achievements rather than have to invite people and make them look at trophies? the achievement system is a lot better, and the developers don't have to pay extra. Devs like doing work on the 360 a lot better than the PS3. a lot of devs had said that
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They have been outclassed in every way by a superior service that will be free compared to their current Xbox Live.

Live was the past and was basically a text based interface of an online community like early text games, while Home is a graphical version of that but better like todays graphical games.

So if any lemming bash Home you should still be playing text adventure games instead of todays games that are all about graphics.

hahaha what? how come you brought up text adventure games? You make no sense. How has the 360 been out classed? please explain. I'd rather have my 360, with xbox live, and xbox live anywhere, and soon be able to play against people on the pc. sorry but xbox live is so much better than PSO, I think very little would disagree with that. But please, try and prove me wrong.

I brought up text adventure games because from that it evolved into graphical games just like Home is an evolution of Live with its mainly text interface. And Live anywhere is not an advantage because PC users have to pay as well, and there is no chance in hell a PC user would want to pay money to play against 360 owners where they will be disadvantaged with autoaim. And by me saying all this I don't own a PS3 but if what they said actually eventuates then it WILL be better than Live and no fanboy can deny that. But on the other hand Sony has shown in the past that they wii show crap to get people hyped like Killzone, so its a wait and see from me but if it's true Home>Live

but, im not a fanboy, aka, I have logic. So I will deny that, thank you very much. Who said PC players will have to pay for live? I don't think you quite get it really. I'd rather pay for quality then get free low quality online, that has a gimmick "home" feature. No wonder devs hate developing for the PS3.
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[QUOTE="Mudig"]I don't know, I mean if you can predict the future that the PS Home is going to work out and will change online gaming community then I can say you're right. Also, you must be high because Xbox Live is an interface for people to get together and play the actual games...it's not trying to be a game.jay_Z_100
Home lets you that, and if you wanted it can also let you play in the so called game like pool or bowling.

Oh, I didn't know you are closely involved in Home and know everything about it. Play bowling or pool? cool... or I could go play wii bowling? or playing bankshot billiards on xbl...sorry but the wii and 360 beat the ps3 in every way. 360 beats it hands down in the online department.
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[QUOTE="joe_g_patton"]OK, so what I'm getting from the thread creator is that XBox Live is basically a DOS or Unix terminal session, and Home is like the Star Trek Holodeck? OK then.jay_Z_100

It's basically the next evolution of Live and it's free.

It's not an evolution of live. And evolution of Live will make it so that developers don't have to pay for their games to be online.....AND make it free.

It's an evolution of live in the sense that it does everything Live does and then some. And it's not free for developers because they will always need to hire people to develope online for their game.

And to the people who say it will wear off, no one is getting bored with current games and wanting to go back to text based games.

Hahahahaahahaha everything live can do and then some? hahaha good one. PSO has such crappy quality. With live, I can be playing a game, have a private chat with someone, texting or voice messaging someone, or VIDEO messaging someone and switching to someone else's game at the same time. PS3 can do that right? OR I can be watching a movie, while downloading a movie while im having a private chat with someone ps3 can do all that right? why do you keep bringing up text based games? im really curious.