[QUOTE="25-Automatic"] GTA San Andreas Xbox Version
The entire disk is 2.85GB, of that:
1.7GB is audio, over half. The potential for the size of the audio to grow? almost none. Creating the audio costs money. liscencing music, recording talk shows, recording cut scenes, recording random ped talk. the ammount of audio is likely to remain about the same, whereas the audio compression has advanced, creating the potential for the audio to take up a smaller ammount of space on the disk.
20.4mb is "data" this consists of the maps, ped and vehicle paths, and the game-governing files. anybody with even a very basic understanding of modding the pc version knows of these, handling.cfg, carcols, etc. potential for this to grow? some, but you won't see it grow a whole lot. the majority of these are text and image files which take up relatively little space.
269mb is animations. this includes all cutscene animations and such. potential for growth: with cutscenes becoming more detailed, this is likely to grow quite substantially. although even doubling in size, it is still only around half a gig.
38.3mb is text(subtitles, directions and such), movies(the two opening movies) and other misc files. growth will be pretty small, if at all. expect high-def opening movies, and around the same ammount of text. this will maybe double in size.
850mb is models. this includes all models and textures in the game. this is where we will see the biggest growth in the next gen jump. however:
If audio stays the same, data, animations, and text doubles, everything except for the models/textures totals 2.36gb leaving 6.14gb remaining for the models and textures. compression aside, that means you could have a game the size and complexity of SA with 7 times the detail.
now. i know people will say "but teh blue-ray, 50gb", suggesting the game could be 10 times the size of san andreas, but you have to realize, creating in-game objects takes time, and time is money. rockstar won't make 10 cities in a game when they could make 3 cities/game in a yearly game.
the 7x the detail is without compression. if you want to know what compression can do, look at the PGR 3 car packs.
the ****pack:
-Mini cooper
Gumpert appolo
-Ferarri CLK DTM AMG(acronyms ftw)
-Chrysler firepower conept
-Pangani Zonda F
-Ruf Spyder
-ferari 430 challenge
-vanwall GPR V12
-Ferarri 365 GTB4 daytona
12 cars, each with ~100,000 faces(about 50 times a SA car), sounds and textures, the size? before you check the spoiler, think of how much this should all take up, think of how many MB 12 incredibly detailed cars would take up, you ready?
Thats it. these are cars WAY more detailed than we could possibly expect in GTA.
if that doesn't show you that DVD-9 will be sufficient for not only GTA 4, but this generation of games, nothing will, you are a lost cause, and you belive more in a hype machine than you do in solid fact. i pitty you. i truely do.
thank you for your time
that was a pretty pathetic post.
And yet one version of sony's ps3's has already died.
Audio takes up the most space kid. and Rockstar wasn't held back by the 360. GTA san andreas has more square feet in it, but is filled up with empty desert and forest areas and other pointless filler. You would know that if you were old enough to actually play a gta game though, what are you 13?
GTA4 is denser than san andreas. and is all city and all inhabited.
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