[QUOTE="KapG"][QUOTE="GrandJury"]And I wouldn't comment if you are going to belittle what people have to say. Either way boosting for trophies is bad enough but boosting for trophies for a game that just came out not even a week ago...Come one.
I didn't belittle anything.
ive put over 60 hours into this game online already and don't have one friend knife kill.
Saying, 'I wouldn't comment if you don't know what you are talking about' Is clearly belittling...To me it doesn't seem like he knew what he was talking about with regards to the subject. You could literally play this game every day with friends for a year and not get one knife kill of a friend. Why? because when you join games with someone 99% of the time you joing on the same team/squad. Oh well, some of the people on here need to not take comments on here so seriously? You can't say ANYTHING without someone getting their back up against the wall.
If that is belittling what I said, I can't see you guys surviving on most forums where the modding isn't like a dictatorship. You post something wrong in system wars or on here and people IMMEDIATELY start to report you and next thing you know you are banned.
It's like I am back in kindergarden where if you did something wrong or said something that some one perceived as being wrong a kid would go tattle tail on you.
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