I have a 60g phat PS3 which has NEVER had a problem and now all of a sudden this BS hits. Fantastic! What makes things even better? The ####### slims still ####### work? what the #### is wrong with you sony.
This game deserves less than 8.5! In my opinion the game lacks of interaction, you go through the whole game pressing just buttons, and that decides your outcome, instead of finding clues yourself. I hate the super power shades of the Detective, WTF! you go through the entire crime scene pressing R1 button and you wont miss any clues, the shades will do it for you. I think people are too hyped about this game because of the media, and people who rated this game High I bet they never played Shenmue and Shenmue II for Sega Dreamcast, those games were interactive! also with a compelling story and great gameplay. Heavy Rain is not what I expected! Id give it a 6.0
Have you played the full game?
GoW should get less than it does on reviews you know. I mean dang. All you do is find the one strong combo that works best and you spam it over and over. Real tough and immersive. At least this game you have to pay attention through out so you don't mess up and have someone die on you. /end sarvasm
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