[QUOTE="Nephilim83"] :D Thanks for the comment. My wife and I are all about family. When it all comes down to it **** a career! We both hate sticking our babies in daycare so much we used to cry when we left them. We definately want at least one of to be home with them instead. Stay at home parents are a must in my opinion. If anything else my family and I will pack up like a bunch of hippies and live in the woods as long as we get to be together. ;)Nephilim83
That's so great to hear man. Family is easily the most important thing in life. They are the ones who will be there for you through thick and thin. All the best to you and your family :)
Thanks man. Thanks for reminding me that I'm at least doing something right where it really counts. And honestly if I didn't have my kids what would I do with this Wii?? LMAO.Oh, and I apologize, TC, for getting off topic. I'm not poor, though, I got family. :) (Eeewww, that was cheesey. lol)
No problem man ;). As for the Wii, I'm not too sure what you would do with it if you didn't have kids lol. It must have one or two games that a grown man can enjoy hehehehe.I too apologize to the TC. I am just as guilty as Nephilim for going OT hahaha. Being a gamer myself I would say that I am not poor. I also don't have THAT many expenses living at home still ;). Also, I think it would be tough for a "poor" person to purchase a consol that runs upwards of 450 dollars :P
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