[QUOTE="americahellyeah"]yea im sure that has alot to do with it. but even still its just BS to release a game that is this much inferior. i can only speak for my self but i would ratherthay delayedthe ps3 version and done it right. i would rather wait for a better game than be stuck with a crapier one.Vavle and Bethesda are both PC devs.. and since the 360 is basically 2 degrees south of a PC its not surprising that it gets more/better ports. you need to buidl from the ground up on the PS3...
But after Oblivion came out soo good on the PS3 i thought Bethesda would be able to make Fallout 3 at least equal....
have you personally played the game on every system to know it is "this much inferior".
Lololol I am playing the game right now and its PRETTY F!@#!@# sweet. Visuals, gameplay, music etc.
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