so i went to a wedding yesterday, my aunts, not mine. it was alright, but i had to wear a skirt and shirt combo thingy, i felt so ew. I missed my jeans so much. I hate girly type crap like that.
i did catch the brides flower thingy. not trying to or anything.
but i woke up this moring depressed for some odd reason, I havent really said anything to Aaron, and I dont know why.
maybe just being at the wedding, just hit me a different way then it would most, because I want to marry Aaron, but I dont want to wait 3 years. if we make it 3 years......
not saying we wont, but come on this is my life we are talking about, nothing ever goes the way i want it. we all know how much a royal screw up I am. im bound to mess it up.
what made him chose me? Im not beautiful, or pretty, or smart. im ugly, stupid and extremely emotional, and suicidal, so why me?
why does he love me so? I dont understand any of this.... maybe thats why im scared to trust him with my heart, not because its been broken plently of times, and is scared being broken again, is that, i dont understand why, he wants me, what does he gain from being with me? what does he see in me? what do i offer him?
i dont know the answers to these questions....but how can i voice them, if im afraid to open my mouth and ask him...
he keeps telling me to tell him whats on my mind, but i wont, not because i dont want to, i just dont want to take that step and let down my ever present gaurd and let him in... i dont want to get hurt again, how can i know that he wont hurt me?
I cant count how many times I heard "i wont hurt you, I promise" and I have gotten hurt, how can I trust those words when they were always lies.
either way, if i dont open up to him, he will leave, and if i do chances are he will leave.
so basicly im in a lose lose placement or so my mind has determed...
its a constant war going on between my head and my heart.
my head is thinking all this crap and my heart is saying, trust him, i will be alright, He wont hurt me.
so how can I tell him, what im thinking if im at war within myself trying to decide what to listen to, my heart, or my head. maybe I will never know... maybe i will find out..
anyway, imma go ttyl
yes im still alive even if i want to die.
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