Your opening line for a start. More people buy a preferred console due to price and friends on the platform over power and features
"Your opening line" is not a valid arguement, what ABOUT my openng line?
We're not 'most people', we are avid gamers who also take the time to discuss our hobbies on gaming forums such as this. Dismissing arguments that they are just 'horseshit' devalues oppossing viewpoints from your own biased and promotes more sh*tposting of two line messages that are more or less that "your game sucks my is better".
If your arguement is "We don't stand a chance against the masses because they outnumber us" that is a fairand true statment. It is also admitting you are a pleb that who isn't even going to try and I'd had expected something better from someone with a DArk Soul's avatar, a game with a rep for being hard and require willpower to pull through in the face of overwealming odds.
To put more words in your mouth since you have already dismiss my view as 'horseshit' anyway, you argumejnt is that we shouldn't care becaus video games aren't as important as world politcs., and that be even suggesting I play politcs with video games, I obiously do not car about real world politcs and my proites are soley that of gaming. You are wrong on both fronts. Even if video games aren't the most important thing ever that doesn't mean they aren't worthy of discussions of this level. And since this is a gaming forum we will discuss gaming and its problems, not that buying second hand sale doesn't matter because the opressing reign of North Koera is causing many people to suffer.
wow, so many assumptions :?
If your best argument is disregarding and that most people don't care you don't deserve any better.
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