Yep. You get to make your own name.
This game is awesome. Just go get it already. hahaha. It's like the best PSP game!
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Yep. You get to make your own name.
This game is awesome. Just go get it already. hahaha. It's like the best PSP game!
You're a little late...Gears of War was released a year ago. Anyway, why would we want to forget about Halo 3...the game of the year.
What he said.
MP3 is great but after wathcin the Halo 3 review they added alot more than MP3 did with its editor and review system there is alot of extra content and more weapons that MP3 just did not add.wooooode
But even still, Metroid Prime 3 added more elements (Tokens, Ship-usage, new control system, voice acting, etc) to the series, and yet, it still got the shaft on the review. I just don't see how Halo 3 adds stuff to theirs and its considered "innovative" and Metroid Prime 3 does it and it's considered "not very original."
If something makes the product better, shouldn't it, in theory, get a better review?
So I just read the Halo 3 review, and I have to say, it made me really excited about the game. I began to figure in ways that I could get a copy, but then I thought to myself, "Hey. How come Halo 3 got an entire point more than Metroid Prime 3?" Then I investigated by reading the reviews of all Metroid Prime 1, 2, and 3 as well as Halo 1, 2, and 3. Here's what come out of it:
Halo and Metroid Prime both got phenominal reviews (Editor's Choice) by Gamespot. They were hailed for the gameplay, graphics, innovation, etc. However, Halo's story was put-down a bit but praised for it's multiplayer. Metroid was considered simply a stellar single-player adventure.
Halo 2 and Metroid Prime 2 almost got the SAME exact treatment. Graphics praised, gameplay awesome, innovative, blah blah blah. However, this time, Halo 2 had a better story and more complex multiplayer - considered improved from the first. Metroid Prime 2 was again considered a phenominal single-player adventure, but it was its lackluster multiplayer that made it drop a little from its predesessor.
NOW. Halo 3 is praised for everything, again. Graphics, gameplay, and innovation. The story has improved once again, and the multiplayer more complex than before. However, Metroid Prime 3 decided to do what the critics said; get rid of the multiplayer and work harder on the adventure itself. Prime 3 was praised for graphics and story (including the new voice-acting and ship-use), but it was the new control-scheme that set Metroid Prime 3 in its own place.
To finish my statement, I really want to know how Metroid Prime 3, being better than both of its predesessors in graphics, gameplay, and story, was given an 8.5 on Gamespot for not doing a "whole lot extra." But Halo 3 is basically the same as its second release, but made better, and it got a 9.5 on Gamespot.
I find it very biased to say one thing about Metroid Prime 3 and not apply the same judgment towards Halo 3. I'm not causing a war between systems, because I love them both, but I am concerned with the reviewing being a big biased. I just don't see how Halo 3 being considered the best of the series getting the best review score in the Halo series, and Metroid Prime 3 being considered the best of the series yet getting the lowest of the Metroid Prime series review scores.
What do you guys think?
(I didn't know if this was the appropriate place to talk about this, but since I feel Nintendo is getting the short stick, I would ask you guys.)
What he said
If you think they've abandoned the hardcore gamer you're wrong, plain and simple.
You guys are kidding yourselves, count the number of "hardcore games" on game spot for the wii being released in the next 6 months and then count the number on the other systems. It's not even close.
They've even flirted with saying thats exactly what their plan is at E3. Why would people take this kind of thing personally, Nintendo is making a freaking killing on the casual market, more power to them, why wouldn't they focus more on the casual market. Such is life.
No, I'm just more up to speed then you are it seems.
In Nintendo's last major announcement to the media they said they're not following up with a Wii Sports 2 or more brain training games for the systems. They concentrating on building on better experiences on the systems and that means more development inot games along the lines of Zelda and Mario.
I don't know if you're new here or what but don't bring up the other systems. For one it's against the rules and 2, I just don't care what else the other companies do with their cookie cutter releases.
Nintendo is aiming at the TRUE hardcore gamer. A gamer that can play all genres and do them all well. Not what some people are trying to make the term means just blood and guts and FPS, those aren't hardcore gamers they're enthusiasts of a certain genre. They're no more hardcore then someone who only plays Soduku.
Nintendo makes games for everyone and now they have the best platform for third party software to do it also. If you're looking for the real hardcore experience (all genres fleshed out fully) then in the next calender year there is no better system then the Nintendo Wii.
I love when Jaysonguy speaks. Just so you know.
Nintendo seriously is the best company out right now. They focus on every one, and that includes the "hardcore" gamer (whatever THAT term actually means).
I love Nintendo because I love that I can have fun playing games by myself and with a group of friends. You know what? Even my wife likes to play with me. Dang. I guess that's a pretty bad thing, you know? Actually having a LADY that's interested in something that I really like to spend time doing. Give me a break.
I'm sorry. I guess going from Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles to Smash Bros is a bad thing. Not only can I kill zombies in a rail shooter, I can also fight be ACROSS THE GLOBE as Mario, Link, Zelda, Snake, and whoever else I fancy.
Yeah. There's nothing "hardcore" about that.
I'd say these are the two best options, and I'm not trying to be redundant:
1) Buy a package of rechargeable batteries WITH the charger. Just making sure.
2) Go to Sam's or Costco and buy the 32 or 48 pack of AA batteries. This costs all of $9.99 - $14.99, and let me tell you, I haven't bought batteries since the Wii launch. I still have 8 new batteries left, too.
Either way, you'll get about the same for your dollar, because rechargeable batteries lose power slightly as they age.
Considering that Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is COMPLETELY stylus-controlled (moving, slashing, boomerang-ing, etc), I don't have any scratches on my DS touchscreen (I imported the Japanese one). And no, I don't use screen covers. I've just used styluses for years, and you learn how hard you actually need to press down with it.
I wouldn't worry about it at all.
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