A lot of people have already reported this... including myself. If you really want to, you can send your Wii in and Nintendo will either give you a new one or fix your current one. If you want to just stick it out like me and not worry about it, then go for it! The buzzing does get somewhat annoying, but I've gotten so used to it now that it doesn't bother me a bit. I actually keep forgetting that it does it until someone mentions it in the boards.
But seriously, it's not a big deal, and it's truly up to you whether or not you want to do something about it.
Yeah. I really enjoyed the demo videos! The Super Smash thing is REALLY cool. Too bad we have to wait an extra couple months before we are able to play now. :(
Agreed. I don't think it's the option on the Smash Bros screen there, but I do think that Nintendo needs to get their crap together and figure out how they are going to make an external hard-drive that is "only for your specified Wii." Reason being, they don't want people copying and transferring VC games from one Wii to another (it's possible). But, like already said, with the introduction of more WiiWare, NeoGeo games, assuredly more N64 games, and demos and trailers, there is NO way that the tiny built-in hard-drive will be able to hold that much - or we will need to delete and download. Delete and download. And repeat the process.
Hopefully we'll be seeing some good stuff from Nintendo in the near future. I believe in them. :D
Don't shoot me for being optimistic, but do you think that with Bungie and Microsoft taking their separate roads that Bungie would consider projects for different consoles? i.e. Halo DS? I think all of this hype from IGN and EA (if that's who was involved) will definitely boost enough confidence in Bungie to try and tackle such a project.
It would actually be very stupid on Bungie's part to ignore this demand.
PhazonBlazer, the question mark was invented for a reason! For future reference, please use it instead of shattering peoples' dreams.
As has been stated, Lucas is in Brawl and it could give Nintendo the much needed push if he's popular.
However, the ugly fact that everyone has to remember is this: He isn't in in there because WE wanted him in there, he's there because JAPANESE FANS wanted him in there. Nintendo could hardly care less what we think.
(But I'd name my first-born son Poo if I got a mother 1-3 compilation on the DS in english.)
Dude, I would name my son Poo just because Earthbound was a great game! The fact that I played it is enough to honor that cute, little Kung Fu master! And Mother 3 is a fantastic game, too. :D
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