It's not a bad game and I'd buy it again if I were to go back in time, but honestly if I weren't messing around with the editor I probably would've been disappointed.
I think Vegas was slightly better, since Vegas 2 didn't really have many levels that are sort of iconic for Vegas and Vegas only. But that does make it a little more unique. I'd say get both, they're good games :) I did play them on 360, so don't know about PC.
I don't have Crysis so I can't say much about it, but Team Fortress 2 will last you a fair amount of time before it gets stale. It'll likely run around 30 hours or so and that isn't to bad. Though of course it ain't great either... your mileage might vary. Look at the guy above me with 500 hours, I just wouldn't be able to stand it for that long ;)
I got interested in Level Design a few years ago and liked it so much it allowed me to function as a jumping platform for finding a job doing real technical blueprints for all kinds of structures, I'm starting an internship in just a few weeks :)
wow that looks pretty cool Kev, very.. post-apocalyptic. an abandoned bridge (or whatever the hell it's supposed to be :) ) in radioactive wastelands, hmmm.... :D
(ik zie trouwens dat je ook Nederlands bent? ;-) )
It's a Bagger excavator actually, on Venus. Why? Because it's cool.
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