[QUOTE="IronBass"] Which developers have been forced to take out content and sell it as DLC because it didn't fit on a DVD?tormentos""Cut content in L.A. Noire could be re-instated as DLC, developer Team Bondi has revealed. Two types of cases were removed from the title - burglary and bunko. The latter is 1940s slang for swindling, in case you were wondering. Each desk contains multiple cases for players to investigate, suggesting a hefty amount of material didn't graduate from the academy."" http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-05-12-team-bondi-ponders-l-a-noire-dlc-plans ""This accusation has already been leveled to a lesser degree at L.A. Noire, in which some claim that Rockstar is selling content they couldn't fit onto the PS3 Blu-Ray and the Xbox 360 DVD-9 discs."" http://www.gamestooge.com/2011/06/13/rumor-battlefield-3-being-stripped-for-dlc/ The blu-ray par it half true,while LA noire take the full space of the Blu-ray disc,the disc been use is a single layer Blu-Ray which is 25GB,not a dual layer one which hold 50G. I am sure many instances like this one has happen,silently after all MS actually advise developers about the size of the disc,and how is better to plan early to avoid not passing over the limit,which mean developers have to work more and see what they actually put inside the game,to not pass the limit,and yes limits as impose. ""Apparently the frustration at Team Bondi is enough that Jeronimo Barrera of Rockstar has been tasked by the heads at Take-Two, Rockstar Games' parent company, to calm the situation at Team Bondi over the size limitations by being stationed at the developer. While information is still limited on exactly how bad the limitations are, one would assume that some form of compression would allow for a HDD install on the Xbox 360."" http://www.gofanboy.com/go-fanboy-news/1955-la-noires-future-on-xbox-360-again-in-question-because-of-dvd MS policies are good only to them,and in nothing help the market,in fact it actually put pressure on developer to work on ridiculous size restrictions,like they did with xbox live. Yes because we can all believe a news story from Gofanboy.com. :lol: Oh wait, it has to be true, afterall, it's anti-MS....
KevinnButlerNPK's forum posts
[QUOTE="KevinnButlerNPK"] Of course because you don't like MS....tormentosWhat does liking MS or not has to do with the points i make.? What points that you make? Every point is always an anti-MS rant...
It's obvious that the PS3 has such superior tech. Afterall, that's why PC's still use DVD's as standard and can outperform the PS3, If Sony spent as much time at research and development as they did in PR, they might not have stumbled so much this gen...
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]Again, good policy for Xbox 360 gamers and absolutely nothing stops Sony from making select games exclusive.Sony didn't seem to care much about this policy for five and half years. When Sony thought the Playstation brand would do just as well as last generation they didn't care about this policy.Now they are still in last place in every tangible tally they are now **** and moaning. That's what's happening. And their executives are now openly complaining. That's simply desperation mode.tormentosThis policy is not good for any one but MS who is protecting the xbox 360 from been over shadow by the PS3 superior format,it stop developer from using their free will on making games on PS3 and from actually taking real advantage from the format,worst most of the things strip probably end up on the market as pay DLC,when it could had been included in the first place. Of course because you don't like MS....
[QUOTE="KevinnButlerNPK"]Only in system Wars will you find people trying to pass off neglecting hardware as worse then a Network Breach caused by the company running the network.... I did not loss my identity,info or credit card info. But that can happen to you on PC and has happen to millions on PC thanks to holes and backdoors on windows security,so has MS give free stuff and put a 1 million dollar policy covering each windows owner.? So MS ran each and every network your aforementioned security breaches were on? If hackers break into Steam, then it's MS's fault? The company that runs the server and hardware are liable, not MS. It's obvious though but if it is in the l;east bit anti-MS, it's toally MS's fault to you.[QUOTE="heytheredarlin"]
More acceptable than having to replace my entire system several times. I didn't lost any money on the PSN outage but I sure did lose money when my Xbox 360 warranty ran out.
[QUOTE="KevinnButlerNPK"]yeah, nobody's bashing Splinter cell collection, phineas and ferb or bleach. but then thats probably because "nobody was hyping those games" funny that. or how about Ape Escape Move, which really shows the capability of Move only support. Face it, at Kinect only games still trounce Move games and that's what really bothers the Sony faithful...So another can't miss Sony exclusive flops and fanboys start bashing Kinect games, go figure....
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