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#1 KevinnButlerNPK
Member since 2010 • 1145 Posts

Didn't the Gamecube have a 3D game?


Actually you can go as far back as the Sega Master System or NES for 3D gaming. The SMS had the glasses and the library...

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#2 KevinnButlerNPK
Member since 2010 • 1145 Posts

You mean the good old days as in back when every video game console had a game bundled in, extra controllers for multiplay, the cords required to hook up to any TV and internal memory to back up games? Also known as the era of the industry before Sony entered and took away all of that and expected the consumer to fork over the extra money?

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#3 KevinnButlerNPK
Member since 2010 • 1145 Posts



Ugh. I give up on you. Seriously. You won't ever get it. I tried. And tried. And tried. *Sigh*

Hopefully, someone else can explain it more better than I could.


Yeah only the links of heresey and negativety towards MS are true. Otherwise, you must provide 100% truth when making negative claims against sony....

Could you point out all these examples of me or the other guy, who isn't even a "cow," trying to prove a claim using nothing but links to random threads on random forums that are supported only by rumors? For that matter, could you show me some examples by other Sony supporters on this site, to back up your position that apparently it is accepted for Cows to engage in this behavior? I'm pretty sure ALL sides get asked to support their claims, and that ANYONE using rumors to prove something get laughed at. This whole thing about the 2d games is basically a conspiracy theory, with the only proof being that other conspiracy theorists who have no proof believe the same thing.

You mean like how the Sony fanboys use random forum posts to prove that XBL accounts were hacked and totally ignore any other news story that contradicts it? Bear in mind that through the whole 2011 PSN debacle, it seemed to be accpted by all Sony fanboys just because it alledgedly happened in 2007, even after MS debunked all news sources. Feel free to continue to deny it...EDIT. I almpst forgot this oe or the Sony fanboys beleiveing that MS knew the 360s were faulty and launched them anyways and this is based off a 'random blog post from a supposed ex MS employee posted on a site generated from an MS business rivel? While I'll agrre some anti Sony sentiment is a stretch , don't even begin to deny that Sony fanboys don't grasp just as much if not more. This whole thread proves it....

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#4 KevinnButlerNPK
Member since 2010 • 1145 Posts


Good news for the 3 or 4 people out there that still care about Portal 2....


Anti-Sony post confirmed...

Everyone who has Portal 2 on PS3 will boot it back up just for this, i booted up UT3 when i heard of the Titan pack(on PC).

Sure, you know what every PS3 owner that bought this game is going to do .

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#5 KevinnButlerNPK
Member since 2010 • 1145 Posts


[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"] You'd rather BUY batteries? Really? That's...the worst argument I've ever heard. Also you can play and charge at the same time...and PS3 controller lasts a long time. How long are you gaming buddy? Charge when you take's not hard. arkephonic

No you can't. The cord is too short for that to be feasible.

Did Sony forget how to make a wired controller? At least give us a USB cord as long as the 360's controller.

The cord is a universal USB cord. The cord I use on my PS3 to connect my controller to is 30 feet long.

So you agree that the cord Sony provided wasn't long enough and you had to use another one?

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#6 KevinnButlerNPK
Member since 2010 • 1145 Posts

Good news for the 3 or 4 people out there that still care about Portal 2....

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#7 KevinnButlerNPK
Member since 2010 • 1145 Posts

Ugh. I give up on you. Seriously. You won't ever get it. I tried. And tried. And tried. *Sigh*

Hopefully, someone else can explain it more better than I could.


Yeah only the links of heresey and negativety towards MS are true. Otherwise, you must provide 100% truth when making negative claims against sony....

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#8 KevinnButlerNPK
Member since 2010 • 1145 Posts

[QUOTE="tormentos"] The fact that MS implemented a parity policy says it all,that policy did not exist last gen,but last gen both units used the same format. LOXO7

That's a good point with knowing the differences of blu-ray and DVD.

Are you serious?

Both companies do shady things. But Microsofts anti-trust suit was about internet browsers and screwing over other companies, not consumers directly. Second, Microsoft did something about the faulty hardware. They extended the warranty by 3 years! And fixed everyone's machines for free. Enough already with that.brennanhuff

Extending the hardware waranty to 3 years is great if MS planned to have a 3 year life span for the 360. They knew the hardware was faulty and bought off a lot of people with just those 3 years. Even though they planned to last just as long as Sony. So they even took a risk to announce the 3 year free warranty system. If people were also disgusted with that then perhaps MS would have introduced a lifetime warranty for those types of systems? Which would of been truely fair knowing that they sold faulty hardware.

When in doubt start with the comspiracy theories again.