Thanks to adding onto my point.
look, if PC gamers would stop complaining about their game being downsized because of the mean ol consoles, then i wouldnt have reason to bring it up.
If we stopped complaining about PC gaming series being ruined by consoles time and time again, Battlefield 3 would have been 24/32 players for us, too. It's easy to sit there and tell us stop complaining when your a part of the lowest common denominator. You're not the one who had to watch classic PC games like Ghost Recon, Rainbow 6, Deus Ex, Battlefield (between 2-3) etc become simplified, less ambitious and regressive sequels of a game they were supposed to be improving on.Battlefield 3 PC is good for gaming. PC gamers not willing to see our beloved series go down without a fight is good for gaming. Our attitude towards this has helped the likes of BF3 and Homefront, hell even Black Ops become significantly better games on PC than they would have otherwise.
unlike the consoles not all PCs are alike, Im guessing your one of those elites who can afford those super expensive PCs that cost more than most people can afford. The irony is that you dream of anambitious PC game that won't even play on 98% of the PCs out in the market.
360 and PS3 are powerful machines, they are better or on par with most of the PCs in the market.
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