@inaka_rob I hated the idea of being able to use a gun and the flashlight at the same time, it may be small but a big part of what made Doom 3 scary was how enemies would pop out of the darkness to attack you.
@appleknight I wouldn't generalize every COD player as an immature human being, I like them even though they aren't that innovative. But yeah, I have to agree with you about the ending, it's pretty good.
@oflow The problem is that this was one of the pioneers of FMV gaming, however, that also means that the techonology was still sort of new so everything came with input lag (That is a million times worse than the one from Kinect, which is very responsive at times and very clunky in other moments IMHO) so add that with the fact that you had to play using some lightning fast reflexes and the game becomes a frustrating nightmare and that's a problem of the game itself regardless of the plattform. However... the iPhone version comes with a movie mode where you can see the entire "movie" without gameplay.
KillerJuan77's comments