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#1 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts
What should I tell them. All I said to get halo was that there was only alien blood and you only fought aliens. I think FOM is a little bit more, correct?carddude
the only cusing and gore from the game you see is in the campaign. the online mode has no talking and no body parts as long as you mute the voice chat you have a game that could easily be rated t for teen just play the online when your parents are around and you'll be fine
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#2 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

[QUOTE="killerkane246"]dude im a tagger and i get headshots all the time it takes skill to tag someone on the other sideof the map. A lot of my friends cant tag me. I think that tagging is the opposite a noob would do. The rocket launcher is a noob weapon.abdelmessih101

Yeah, that's why I have no problem with people who consistently get headshot kills regarless.

BTYaccording to my definitions which everyone seems to ignore, getting headshots doesn't qualify you as a tagger.

So, like I have said a million times already with no results:

Please stop talking out of your A$$ and read EVERYTHING I wrote first before posting on this thread.

why havent you told me what you disagree with?
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#3 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts
well i geuss sony thought the 40gb was going to be a giant meteor but the atmospehere just ate it up to a point were it didnt make much of an impact
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#4 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

dude im a tagger and i get headshots all the time it takes skill to tag someone on the other sideof the map. A lot of my friends cant tag me. I think that tagging is the opposite a noob would do. The rocket launcher is a noob weapon.killerkane246
Did you know you can get head shoots by tagging a guy in the hand or foot with the bullseyes?

Man that takes alot of skill. oh and the bullseye can go either way. you can tag everyone you see and make it a noob weapon or you can tag when needed like i do and have explained above in other posts.

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#5 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

Cases in which I think tagging is okay! (IM))

1) When you're opponent has a bullseye

2) It's a chimera vs. chimera match

3) It's from really far away (pwn some dumb sniper)

4) Your opponent clearly sees you and starts shooting at you... (maybe)

5) midair tag, when someone is jumping on those air jump pad things

Not okay:

1) When your oppenent is really close to you (noob!!)

2) You sneak up behind someone and tag them

3) When it's 2 vs 1. (the 2 guys: no tagging!!!!)


Cases in which I think tagging is okay! (IM))

1) When you're opponent has a bullseye- No don't tag just because your opponent can thats childish.

2) It's a chimera vs. chimera match- No it just wastes time and you should really just pick up a carbine anyway.

3) It's from really far away (pwn some dumb sniper)- Agreed

4) Your opponent clearly sees you and starts shooting at you... (maybe)- Umm so you tag almost every time you shoot someone? unless your the master of stealth I bet more than half the time they know were you are.

5) midair tag, when someone is jumping on those air jump pad things- Yeah even i tag then just cause it's fun lol

I agree with most of what you said.

you've said that to both of my posts now... I want to know what you don't agree with and why.

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#6 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

Cases in which I think tagging is okay! (IM))

1) When you're opponent has a bullseye

2) It's a chimera vs. chimera match

3) It's from really far away (pwn some dumb sniper)

4) Your opponent clearly sees you and starts shooting at you... (maybe)

5) midair tag, when someone is jumping on those air jump pad things

Not okay:

1) When your oppenent is really close to you (noob!!)

2) You sneak up behind someone and tag them

3) When it's 2 vs 1. (the 2 guys: no tagging!!!!)


Cases in which I think tagging is okay! (IM))

1) When you're opponent has a bullseye- No don't tag just because your opponent can thats childish.

2) It's a chimera vs. chimera match- No it just wastes time and you should really just pick up a carbine anyway.

3) It's from really far away (pwn some dumb sniper)- Agreed

4) Your opponent clearly sees you and starts shooting at you... (maybe)- Umm so you tag almost every time you shoot someone? unless your the master of stealth I bet more than half the time they know were you are.

5) midair tag, when someone is jumping on those air jump pad things- Yeah even i tag then just cause it's fun lol

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#7 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

What about the G4 annoucement? and the 40gb if that was the annoucement wasnt really an annoucment most everyone knew about anyway or knew it would be coming.

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#8 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

Shut up about tagging you can shake it off...

I tag in 2v1s or above why? it's simple tag one shoot the other and get them both. The only time I find myself complaining about tags is when theres 2 or more people tagging me at once. or when they tag me from the back. other than that I find that killing taggers is easier then killing those who don't because when they tag you it gives you about a second more time for you to shoot at them.

One thing that pisses me off is people who camp the 40's then talk trash to you after the game.

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#9 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

Well the topic is the question.

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#10 Killzall
Member since 2007 • 297 Posts

Ars technica apparently has a very reliable mole on the inside - he has already made two Xbox 360-related reports that got confirmed - so we're going to hope he's right about this: it's the pricing strategy for the PS3 and PS2 this holiday season, and if it's true, it's gonna blow the doors off the industry's news community.

We've all been wondering when we might see a price drop for the newly introduced 80GB PS3, which currently sits at the original launch price of the 60GB PS3 ($599). The 60GB PS3, which dropped to $499 in July, is rapidly disappearing from store shelves, and Sony has announced they will no longer be manufacturing the item. Now, analysts believe we can expect a price drop on the new model by the end of the year, and according to this source, they're correct. Here's a look at the leaked info-

  • 80GB PlayStation 3: $499.99
  • 40GB PlayStation 3: $399.99
  • Spider-Man 3 Blu-ray movie pack in with one, or both
  • PlayStation 2: $99.99

Perhaps we could've expected the first and last lines there, but that 40GB PS3 with a potential Spidey pack-in is awfully intriguing. Does Sony plan to offer a 40GB PS3 in addition to the 80GB PS3, or is this just a limited time thing? We can't be sure, but we do know that the 80GB PS3 price drop should work wonders for the holiday season, and we're also not really surprised to see that new $100 price tag for the PS2. The most dominant video game system in history continues to push, and if you thought last Christmas was the last hurrah for the ol' PS2, you were sorely mistaken.

It's very possible that we'll see this announcement in a couple weeks at the Tokyo Game Show, but if the rumor gets debunked before then, we'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, it appears Sony has stepped up and done what's necessary: make their products all the more attractive for the holidays.
