I had cancer, and laughing did not help at all.Ringx55Did the video make you laugh? It sure as hell made me!
Kimbo_Slyce's forum posts
[QUOTE="Kimbo_Slyce"]@Chaplain DMK, I cant fully quote your messege for some odd reason but read on. I'll address all your points. 1. Oh, so you're excusing Dice for making a bad campaign? There's absolutely no excuse for doing so. If you're not going to actually make a seirous attempt, then focus all of your power elsewhere, such as multiplayer: they could have had a better netcode and purchased new servers with the money they used to hire those lame voice actors. 2. I live in Europe too home boy...and thats Dice for you. Since North America isnt our largest market, lets treat them like second citizens right? Because SURELY if we are treating them like dirt by offering second rate support, they will SURELY purchase the next installment in our series? Amrite? 3. Its not just the low leveled guns, its also the "perks". You guys dont SEEM to understand the problem with this. People who join this game late will have an even more frustrating experience because they'll be getting raped left and right by Abakan whores. 4. Low sensitivity is "nooby" and lame. It just increases the awkwardness of CQC encounters. 5. ...thats why 80% of the servers I played on banned jets. The game has just about as much teamplay as any other shooter out there. I dont understand why you guys are so dillusional. 6. Really? I was playing roughly 17 minutes ago and I just lunged at a guy from about a meter while he was shooting at me with his UMP. Poor sod 7. They are OHKs in hardcore plus they are still overpowered in normal game modes. Make the first shot, strafe around like a lunatic and the guy is dead. 8. :D 9. In retrospect, its actually a pretty good tacic. Gamestop can go take it in the butt :) 10. Lol? Public games are like 97% of the games played (on consoles at least). 11. At the beginning of the game, before all the updates, a Medic with an M60 was UNSTOPPABLE. How the hell did Dice overlook this? It took them TWO nerfs to finally get it right! Have you seen the MG3? I can pick people off a range much more efficiently than the M16 and Its more efficient in CQC than the XM8 C (nothing beats the AN94 at long range though...) 12. Ermm, I was actually referring to the fact that you have to HOLD the damn button. 13. It affects this game's longevity. No mods on consoles = we have to work with what the developers gave us. The AN-94 was not a two burst in Bad Company 4, it was fully automatic, therefore, it can in its essence, be considered a different weapon. 14. The game only shipped with 10 maps for the love of laddergoat. And their so called "DLC" has just been a string of compatability with gamemode updates that should have been done in the first place. The game is pretty darn repetitive and more weapons/unlocks would console us. 8. chaplainDMK
6. You have to give me that knife dude... Because i have become alergic to it. I rather unload a clip into a guys skull then knife him lately. I've had some rahter imbaresing cockups with a knife (knifed a sniper, missed, teleported me infront of him, i knifed him again, it missed again and then he blew my skull out with a M24). And i never was able to knife a guy when charging him frontaly, it takes 5-6 shots to kill you with most guns, and the knife needs a very long time to actualy kill its target.
2. And i seriusly have almost no lag if i let matchmaking find me a game. There is the occasional lag fest but rarely is it unplayable.
3. The perks i kinda agree tho, but I think its great because it means that people aren't equipment whores. I personaly run my engineer with a SCAR and iron sights because i need extra ammo for it and i never miss the red dot. Or i take a G3 with Recon or Assault. But generaly I am very effective with evrey gun with any kind of sight on (exept shotguns as of late, I had a stage when i was just running around with a 870 MCS with slugs and blowing peoples skull caps off but now my fidelity with shotguns has gone AWOL so i usualy just get body shots and evreyone cuts me down before i can fire again)
7. And if a guy doesent put you down after you missed your first shot with a shotgun he deserves to die to be honest...
10. Yes, pubs aren't the place to find a tactical game. Get some friend together with mics and have a dope stomp... I mean the people in MP in this game are better then most games out there but its still asking much for complex tactics.
11. Yes, the M60 was way overpowered. What i find funny is that the beta was almost perfectly balanced as far as i remember. The MG3 was always powerful in the hands of a good player. Hell i had some preaty awsome rampages with it pre patch. But yeah now they seemed to have buffed it too much and the SPECTACT pacs aren't helping...
13. The M16 was a automatic gun in BC1 and now its a 3 round burst, and evrey gun in the game was reworked because most assault rifles in BC1 were full auto and had a 50 round mag, LMGs had a 150 round mag and SMGs had a 50 round mag with no iron sights. Now they are more authentic.
14. Yea the maps are getting kinda stale, but the game is still fun enough for me to keep raking in the hours... And DICE is working on onslaught right now so it might take some time till a real map pack is released. And seriusly, there is enough guns, this game isn't about guns. You already have around 50 guns in the game, thats way more the most games have.
But i always found the award hunting in Battlefiled games very satisfying.
I already have all my pins, and I have almost all the insignia
Btw my stats if you want verification
6.Yeah I have around 50 knife kills, and most came from my Medic/870 whoring days (very effective ****on Nelson Bay). I feel dirty whenever I knife people mainly because they're already shooting at me, my screen is rarely actually pointing at them and because the animation is so goofy lol.
Anyway the funniest thing happened when I was playing about half an hour ago, before I got suspended 0.0. So its Nelson Bay, we're attacking and we're at the last base, and we're trying to blow the MCOM which in that "bunker". Im in the UAV and one of my team mates shoots an RPG7 into one of the walls and blows it open. I fly my UAV in there and park it infront of an engineer hiding behind one of those huge servers next to theladder (at least I think thats what they are). I aim it at the door and a few seconds later like four people comming running through and I just massacred them with its little minigum. They must have been so confused! hahaha
[QUOTE="Kimbo_Slyce"]Use my head more? I am consistently on top of the leaderboards, WHILE being positive. Verge_6Yeah, your stats say otherwise buddy.Show me yours buddy. My skill level is 196, something I cant prove because that can only be found in-game. Like I said before I've had this game for four weeks, I completley blew for the first week (K/D 0.3 I played the most during this week), second week I had a 0.7(didnt play much this week), third week a 1.5 and now this week I'm pulling 3.0s
I have it on a console :)[QUOTE="Kimbo_Slyce"]
I don't know where you are getting this "bad netcode." It's fine. You might experiance problems because of your hardware configuration or your internet line. It's sometimes hard to believe that all but one game works fine, but PCs can be finicky like that.
Even wierder because I don't have any problems on my end, only when somebody is really hogging the internet connection.
Where do you live? If this game is going perfect for you, then you probably live right under the nose of an EA server hahaThe connection I use for my console and PC downstairs (which I cant seem to boot up right now because I misplaced the transformer) is crystal. 41mbps Down, 1.7mbps Up. I have an open NAT and all that other gunk which Microsoft and Dice recommend to have the best possible gaming experience. Even the WiFi I'm stealing from the hotel across the street to surf on my laptop is decent; 7mbs down,0.7 mbps up (I dont have any cabled ports in my room upstairs yet so I use the WiFi for my laptop).Despite ALL OF THIS, my shotgun shells have trouble registering (even if its to the back on somebody who is standing still) and I'm constantly being pushed back by some cosmic force every once in a while.
No. They are equal in my opinion...[QUOTE="Kimbo_Slyce"]
[QUOTE="fabz_95"]You really think so? I think it is MUCH better than Modern Warfare 2 but that's just my opinion.Wasdie
If BC2 had more maps, a better netcode and more unlocks then it would be the better one.
I don't know where you are getting this "bad netcode." It's fine. You might experiance problems because of your hardware configuration or your internet line. It's sometimes hard to believe that all but one game works fine, but PCs can be finicky like that.
I have it on a console :)
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