Who's dumbass idea was it to isolate each squad with absolutely no way to talk to the other squads? This only works if you and friend(s) searched for a game together in a groupand only want to communicate with eachother, not the other 8 people. IMO There should have been a button that you hold down to say something to the entire team. This prevents the communication channels from getting hectic and it prevents you fromwanting to drive your fist into the teeth of everyone who works at Dice because you cant tell the snipers in the lighthouse that somebody with a 12 guage just stormed the placeI agree with most of your points. However, if the servers were good, then this would be my shooter of choice.
While the game is imbalanced, it isn't so imbalanced that it's impossible to play well, and have fun. Additionally, your team is much better when you're in a squad of people you know, for obvious reasons. Still, I've been in many random squads where people were working together, talking, and having fun.
As far as tanks go, land mines take them out in one or two shots. I, personally, think helicopters are more overpowered than the tanks, but mostly because they are much harder to hit than they should be due to the atrocious lag.
The squad system needs improvement. I'd much prefer a KZ2 squad system, where you can view the squads and choose which one to join. I'd add to the KZ2 one the ability to see what class everyone on the team is using, and the ability for squad leaders to communicate with each other.
But, you are certainly right the way the game is now, it is trash. No game mechanic matters when the game is unplayable online.
I pop in KZ2, and will likely continue to, when I wanna play online now. I may even try to get into Warhawk again, if I'm feeling masochistic.
Kimbo_Slyce's forum posts
Thats what Im thinking...but me and the other 11 people on my team are not tuned-in to the same frequency. The most poignant examples of this can be found in Hardcore Rush.Also anyone who cares about their K/D ratio in a BF game is stupid. A good players charges through enemy fire to disarm that MCOM despite several grenades and rockets being thrown into the room.
Yeah I was seperated from the flockafter my 8800gtx (or maybe it was a 9 series lol)got messed up waaaaay back in 08 I think.Oh and the super shotguns are on the PC. Put some slugs on a pump action and go into a hardcore lobby....???...profit.Sounds like all your problems are because of the console version. Low sensitvity, super shotguns (which i never encounter) and bad teamwork. You sound like a lost PC gamer that got seperated from the fold, come back. You can blame consoles for their low sensitivity controllers, thats just how controllers are and most console users are used to that. Also you cant blame the game if people dont work as a team; the game gave the tools but its up to the people. The lag is a legitmate complaint which still happens on the PC as well but as I understand DICE is working on it; still better than MW2 lag and host dissconnects.
Are you wearing Lumberjack pants? Because you gave me the wood
Hey I'm looking for some treasure. Can I look in your chest?
You remind me of a championship bass, I don't know whether to mount you or eat you.
Why don't you come over here, sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up?
Do you want to come over to my place and feed your beaver some wood?
How about you be my story and I'll be your climax!
Your shirt has to go, but you can stay.
Gee, that's a nice set of legs, what time do they open?
The FBI want to steal my genitals. Can I hide them inside you?
1. The campaign was awful. It was filled with so many cliches (explosive barrels placed everywhere, etc), plot holes and mindless shooting galleries. I couldnt even believe how Dice could have let this happen.Forgettable characters, forgettable missions, forgettable scenarios...forgettable game. Lets not even touch on how pretty much all the buildings were COPIED AND PASTED.Lol are you kidding? Only like four types of buildings? MOST OF WHICH WERE PLUCKED OUT OF THE FIRST BAD COMPANY? Wow...just wow.
2. EA's servers are god awful. Constant "rubber banding" occurs (this is when you take a few steps forward and slowly slide back or teleportto where you were originally, VERY FRUSTRATING and I have a 54mbs connection) ontop of the fact that your bullets only register half the time. Use a shotgun and you'll see what I'm talking about. You'll shoot someone in the back pointblack and it wont register at all. -Yup I've seen this myself
3. If you plan on having fun in the low levels, then forget it. The last thing I'd call this game is an even playing field. I find it disturbing how people cry about Modern Warfare 2 being an uneven playing field while pardoning Bad Company 2 when itis the exact same thing. There are perks just like in CoD (Magnum ammunition = Stopping Power, Ceramnic Armor = Juggernaught, Explosives Package = Danger Close, etc) and unlike CoD, new players are COMPLETLEY SCREWED. All you'll be doing in the low levels is dying, dying and dying. Even if you're skills are actually pretty decent, you'll still be getting screwed over all the time. The starting weapons are COMPLETELY USELESS, except for the M24 for the Recon class. - You suck? I'm rank 6 now...positive KDR already and the points are rolling in. I totally held my own with the starting weapons....all classes. Me suck? Im consistently ontop of the leaderboards. You dont know me. Just beacuse I am informed and angry, does not mean I am feeling butthurt beacuse the game is too hard for me.
4. Sluggish controls on the console version, the maximum sensitivity is low, assumablybecause Dice doesnt want you to witness this game's terrible frame rate.
5. Clear inbalanaces. So let me get this right, there is absolutely NOTHING overpowered about having tanks that can fire their TWO-shot-to-kill turretsINCESSANTLY with PERFECT accuracy ACROSS the map? Just destroy it? It takes about four rockets to bring down a tank (the engineer ****is useless). Use teamwork? Well 75% of the people on your team will either be snipers or medics...what happens once you destroy it? It respawns four seconds later... -Tanks dominating a battlefield, well that makes no sense :roll: Just as it makes no sense as to why it takes four rockets to bring it down when people rarely use team work and just as it makes on sense as to why shooting powerful and explosive tank shells is not enough right? Because one person can surely drive a tank, man the main gun, reload it, ontop of utilizing the machine gun and loading it so it fires continuously.
6. Oh and like in Call of Duty, this game has a magical knife that allows the user to lunge half a mile through whizzing shrapnel, stab somebody in the leg and kill them, all while getting shot at by 5x56 NATO rounds.
7. Shotguns are more effective then snipers. Putting slugs on a pump action shotguns allows the user to ONE HIT KILL people from ACROSS the map since the slugs are somehow not affected by gravity like all the other weapons. Dont believe me?
- Choose the medic ****so you can heal yourself (assault works too to refill ammo)
- Pick a pump action shotgun as your primary
- Use the slugs "perk"
- ???
8.Just like in CoD the game features INSANE spawn camping. Look at Laguna Alta for example. You can go into thebases of the opposite team and just mess everyone up who spawns. Just park yourBradley APC outside and PROFIT because guess what? There's only onetiny narrow exit out of each base so if you're that unlucky guy that just got tossed into a game where the other team has capped all the flags, you're pretty much screwed. Wow Dice just wow. Another EXCELLENT design choice.
9. The game store allows you to purchaseDLC ALREADY ON THE MOTHER FLUPPING DISC. Nuff said - Lame, but I shared my way into it, so free for me.
10. Team work in this game is an ILLUSION. I have no idea what you fanboys aresmoking. Watch carefuly. Watch as that Recon sits there in that bush refusing to disarm the bomb, despite the fact that he's two meters away from it. Watch carefuly as the medic refuses to heal you and insists on spamming his machine gun. Watch carefuly as despite being in the same squad and having the same objective, the two idiots who spawn on you run in the opposite direction, towards the tank so they can spawn trap and butt rape the other team to increase their K/Ds, instead of arming the damn bomb.- Total rubbish, I'm still fairly new and I've seen loads of teamwork already. It's been really quite impressive for a console shooter. Nope not impresive at all. Almost as bad as MW2. People just doin their own things,Recons being K/D whores, Medics being SPM/point whores and Engineers camping in Team Deathmatch. There's nothing that pisses me off more then to see my team in second place because the douche bags in first place found a dumpster on Port Valdez where they can shoot their UMPS at you while exposing only their heads. Use teamwork? HAHAHA tell that to the other three dumbass recons in your squad
11. Pretty much everyone plays as the Medic ****..or Recon. Why wouldnt they? As a Medic you'll have a gun that does high damage, fires with 0 recoil and comes equiped a never ending 100-200 round magazine. Oh and did I mention you'll have the ability to heal yourself and torture your team-mates by reviving theminfront of the tank that just blew them to smitherins and thus forcing them to die again 2 seconds later?- Huh? what game are you playing, seriously? I'm playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2. What game are you playing? Battlefield 2?
12. No lean, no prone and no selective fire. On the PC version, you have to HOLDcntrl to stay crouched. WTF?
13. Only around three new weapons were introduced (GK, m93r, An94 Abakan)...and no, the M1 Garand and Thompson dont count because they were just copied and pasted from BF1943. - Cause, there's like, not enough or something? Considering that the level cap is 50, hell no.
14. There's nothing to do once you hit level 22. Our criticism for Bad Company was that they should have increased the rank cap (it was 25 I think). So what did Dice do? They increased it alright...BUT NOW THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO INCENTIVE TO RANK UP BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING TO BLOODY UNLOCK FROM 22-50.- But getting rank 22 takes ages, how much more value can you want? It doesnt take ages. If you hold on your own as well as you say you do, you'll be level 22 in three weeks tops of moderate playing (1 hour and 20 mins a day).
Any "lol u jus angry cos u suck" comments will be shrugged off. My K/D is 1.4 thank you very much. Not the best, but its better then at least halfof the people who play this game:D
For a trash game, you sure did devote a lot of your time into it it seems.SpiritOfFire117If you actually spent the time to read my other comments you would have learned that I actually do enjoy this game, but it is not the messiah of FPS games as everyone else makes it out to be. Thats all I'm just trying to say. Thread title is for extra lulz just as this next statement;Its *almost* as bad as MW2.
Its about the delivery man...and also how you look. Imagine saying the best pick up line ever when looking all nervous and ting with your face riddled with acne as opposed to seeming cool, confident and having a crazy grin.if you are good-looking you can use any of these and the girls will think you are cute,cool or just funny.If you are ugly and use any of these she'll just think you are a weirdo
That was awful :)"I think I've seen your picture somewhere before. Oh yeah, that's right. It was in the dictionary next to 'KABLAM!'"
Yeah it was awsome. Bugger tossedthree water balloonsat me when I was all Gucci'd up for this event (very expensive suit). I got him back when it was his turn for another important event a few months lateronexcept my balloon was filled with bodily fluids, coke and whipped cream just for that extra lulz
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