You should try always try tagging in areas where the person wont even notice that its there until its too late. Such an example is tagging a grenade on the floor near a piece of cover or on it at an angle where they cant see. So when they hop over, they die before their feet even touch the ground. Its always a guaranteed kill if they hop over it. If for some ODD reason that they don't die, you can always spray them down with your assault rifle as they'll be on critical health. You may also try DIRECTLY tagging people with Grenades, but this isn't always recommendable as hit detection is awful...
Miyuki, I always use a massive 1080 whenever I game on my 360 and I still found it hard to read the text. I had to move close to the TV or squint from my sofa. BTW, just because its HD doesn't mean that it has to be big (the TV set)...
Wow you MUST suck bro I always seem to get about AT LEAST 1 kill for EVERY grenade that I pick up. Its so easy getting kills with a grenade mate. Try following up a smoke with a grenade and I'm sure you'll get a kill. ----- With tagging, my tip is to tag in areas where you expect lots of people to pass through, but spice things up every round because people tend to not fall for the same trick twice =0
I don't care! I would still play it! However, if one gets scratched, I would be EXTREMELY PISSED OFF! When I first bought Lost Odyssey, I got up to Disc 4 but couldn't complete the game because halfway during that awful Tomb-Raider style puzzle trek in the Air Temple, it would keep on freezing and booting me back onto the dashboard.
...still be playing Gears of War 2 if they DIDNT nerf the smoke grenades and chainsaw? I remember how ONE person could take down a team of THREE cramped together with ONE well placed smoke grenade and some instagib-inducing shotgun blasts. Lets not even start with the chainsaws! The bayonet could not be lowered AT ALL unless the person was killed. Now a few shots will make them drop it. People were able to rush in with their chainsaws up and get EXTREMELY easy kills. Seriously, what the hell was Epic thinking? I SURE AS HELL WOULDNT!
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