the ak74u is the new mp40. its pretty overpowered. and why does everyone love nuketown? that map is terrible, for team deathmatch anyways. worst spawn points ive ever seen, but the whole spawn system itself in black ops is just bad.
No, the Ak74u is not overpowered. There are no overpowered weapons in this game.
MP5K has a quicker kill time so if you actually have aim, you'll outkill the AK74u guy 9 out of 10 times. They AK47 is also a much better weapon than the AK74u.
I hate how people cry that it's overpowered. You just suck.
lol yeah thats everyones argument whenever anyone has anything negative to say about this game whatsoever. and no, i dont suck. my k/d hovers around 1.9. im actually pretty good. you must use the ak74 to get so worked up about my comment.
Yeah, I do use it. It's not even close to my best gun because it's not overpowered.
I got worked up because I hate when people cry about games. If something is popular then people cry about how it needs to be nerfed or taken out. Why not look at yourself and see what you can do? I've had absolutely terrible starts to games using that "overpowered" weapon, then I switch to a "useless" gun like the FAMAS or M16 and just destroy the rest of the game. Just early I started out 4-12, game wasn't looking too good so I switched weapons. Finished 35 and 15.
Some guns work against certain people. You have to adjust your playstyle to counter your enemies. Not cry to Treyarch saying they need to nerf the gun because you choose to have one playstyle and one playstyle only.
PS: Barebones is godlike. Once I hit level 19 it's all I've played. No perks, killstreaks, attachments = win.
Oh, and I want the Zombies trophies as well. PSN is in my sig, hit me up if you want to play and try and get them.
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