I didn't know there was a difference?
Kintaro_Oe_25's forum posts
For all the reasons people stated.. but if they did charge a monthly fee I bet people wouldn't cry about the DRM (because people are stupid).
Need to look behind the visuals, more than likely the gameplay won't be up-to par. Besides visuals the video was not that impressive imo, reminded me off Dynasty Warriors in top down view.
I thought the same thing! Reminded me of Dynasty warriors. Could be wrong though, I'll reserve judgement.
If TL2 was made by Blizzard (and in a sense it is, just not in name) most of you would be fapping all over it.
yeah, because it would be a whole hell of a lot better.
Do you justify piracy over arrogance of software companys ? My few friends playing every game but never bought a single, and i think its idiotic. But also i think that idiotic is to buy every single game from company who simply troll players. Its better to watch , inspect , play demo then to buy. What is your toughts fellow GS users?
I think pirates should all be locked up so people who actually contribute to society can enjoy their games without DRM.
I might give torchlight 2 a try if I can drag one of my friends off of diablo in a year or so to play with.
Torhclight 1 was fun for awhile but I felt it was way overrated, the lack of multiplayer and any kind of story at all really ruined it for me. I still beat it but I forced myself to do so.
It will be the norm in a few years as most people will have a broadband connection of some kind. biggest_loser
Most people who want to play Diablo 3 already have a Broadband internet connection. Their biggest target audience already play WoW
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