@JumpyBinhead And my PC still looks like a giant Tower case. I mean Im not digging Microsofts decisions either...But honestly. WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT LOOKS. The PS3 looked really no different, same with the PS2 and the original Xbox.
@jediknight52501 @Kooken58 never claimed those games were very good either. Still there really isnt any way to change those games because they are sports games! I never understood why anyone would want to even play a sports games when you could just go outside and play it yourself and have more fun time doing it.
@jediknight52501 Why couldnt have they offered content like this for free? I play many other great games that have been out for well over a year now and they add extra content like this for free. My most played FPS is team fortress 2 and they often release huge content patches for free to the community. This is just another zombie map pack that everyone has played time and time again.
@jediknight52501 Lame as game that never changes at all? Hmm that sounds like something very similar. Whats that game called again? Starts with a "C and ends with a "Y". Help me out here, cant think of the game. Havnt played it in many years now cuz its always the same crap with a 60 dollar price tag.
@angryguy77 @rawkstar007 The graphics card equivalent that the xbox 1 is using is like a GTX 650ti or something close to it. 130 dollar card. You can get a Decent Mobo/processor combo for around 200 dollars. RAM is dirt cheap, can get like 4GB or so for 40 dollars. Hard Drives are fairly cheap as well. You could safely get a decent mid-range machine at around 600-700 dollars. You are most likely going to easily pay for that much in the first month of the Xbox especially if you want a better controller that doesnt use AA batters and a headset, also Xbox Live.
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