@Heshertonfist @smtgfx just cuz a few free to play games are that way doesnt mean all of them are. League of Legends is one of the most played games and it is free to play.
@Grenadeh @theend3r Modding....Game modding can make games much more fun. Also playing GTA 4 on console gave me a headache. The dropped frames, pop-ins and such. Im sure GTA5 will be better, but still wont be on par with a good 60+ FPS on PC. There were patches and mods that made GTA4 run good on PC. Hopefully they dont make the same mistake.
Making yourself fat or skinny in this game wouldnt of worked. The level of detail each character has is like 10x the amount that SA had. Its not a simple thing to do now considering you have to make new animations for each build. New textures....just becomes a big hassle for something that really doesnt effect gameplay at all.
@kalgert123 I as well mostly want to play it on the PC (Hope its better optimized than how GTA 4 was) But I dont think I can wait like 6 months lol. So Ill probably simply get it for both.
Also microsoft should get rid of this Xbox Live sub fee Bull crap. I could understand it for the original xbox, but currently there is zero reason that they should charge people to play online!! If you still need to pay money to play online games, im sticking with PS4 or better yet, PC.
@moodyfoo @PSYCHOV3N0M That is actually Gary's Mod. Amazing little mod/game that runs off the Half-life 2 Valve Engine. If only more companies like valve allowed us to Mod and play their games how we wanted, we would see soo many more games with longer lives. Its funny, more people play Team Fortress 2 on PC than all of the COD games combined (On PC of course). All thanks to great Mod Support.
@NTM23 yeah that bugs me as well...I dont understand why they keep doing that. Even in the first game, its believed Sam was something like 40 or 50 years old.
I miss the original splinter cells...The last 3 or so have been a huge let down. The games use to have an amazing lighting system, but judging off these videos, im not too impressed with it. Everything looks bright and it doesnt even really look like you are in the shadows.
"We can let the games really flourish. 1080p, 60 frames per second, character physics on a much broader canvas, color saturation, lighting, particle effects; it will be a level of gameplay experience that is unprecedented, not been imagined before,"
Not imagined before? Except games have been like this on PC for the past 8 years. PC games have been forced to stay about the same due to console limitation.
Kooken58's comments