@eesounds its the fact that there really is zero reason for MMOs from large companies to have as sub fee on their games. It was needed more many years ago to get the game off the ground, that and servers were more expensive. Now for companies and games like blizzard, there really is no reason for them to stick to the sub fee area other than profit.
@00LiteYear @Sampawende Did you play D2? Majority of the stats in D3 are worthless. There is next to know spec customization. There is really only 1 or 2 cookie cutter specs that are viable.
@ranbla The games loot system and stat system needs completely revamped anyway. The entire game is shallow and linear. Ive seen 10 year old games with more complexity to them.
@northArrow Yeah back before they joined Activision. They can say however much they like how Activision isnt effecting them. But doesnt it seem like a major coincidence that the moment they merged with them their games have progressively become crappier?
Two things will keep me away from the Xbox...More overheatting issues, and the Xbox Live Gold membership. There is zero reason today for them to charge us for services such as to play a game online with other people.
@Random_Virus @travo0159 Back in the day of early MMOs. Dungeons were major content and were suppose to take time and often gave decent rewards. Whats with this mentality these days where dungeons should not take anymore than 20 minutes? I dont even know why they call them heroic dungeons anymore.
@Sevenizz @---Cipher--- they are bored because everything (other than heroic raids) are soo damn easy. Everything has been dumbed down. Stat system dumbed down, Talent system dumbed down. (I miss Hybrid specs of WoTLK). The gear overall is dumbed down as well. Everything pretty much has the same stats and everyone wears the same gear.
@Sevenizz @northArrow GW2 is free to play and do not have to pay for armor weapons or content. (other than Expansions). Sub Fee's are a thing of the past and are not neccessarly needed in games these days. Especially from a huge company such as blizzard.
Its not the frequency of content that comes out its the content and game itself. Do they not know that? PvP is a disaster and completly unbalanced (Worst ive seen in any MMO). They keep dumbing down their own content to cater to the newer players that dont exist in the game.
They have completly destroyed the complexity of the game and are taking the RPG out of MMORPG. Its mostly a single player experience now.
Kooken58's comments