@anthonyj15 This demo has the same identical scenes that are released in the full game right? If that is correct. I can still base my experience, and opinion on that section of the FULL GAME. Both copies, be it full retail release, and the demo will offer the same experience within the sections I have played.
I did point out the storyline could be amazing, I never once said anything against that. And no, reading the first chapter of a book and playing a videogame demo are two different things.
A person who enjoys reading, will open a book and read it. If they are bored by the first page, it means the storyline has pushed them away and not the turning of the pages. Since books aren't interactive as like a video game.
A person who plays a video game, will play it for the two main reasons. A: fun / gameplay B: Storyline If the gameplay removes the fun from the game, it removes half of the purpose to play it. In this case, Beyond: Two Souls, in my opinion (can't stress this enough) has a really limited gameplay, and so far from what I've experienced, it is a little bit of free walking around rooms, and flying through walls as a ghost. While the other half of the game is quick timed events.
Some people may enjoy this, some don't. I am one of the people who don't.
Also, to point out. It's not like I went "this game is full of crap." Without even trying it out. I gave the demo ago before jumping onto the low expectations train. Maybe one day I will try this game out, but for this moment, it isn't anywhere near the interest level it needs to be for me to spend money on a rental or to buy a copy.
@rebfaction "A game demo is a freely distributed demonstration or preview of an upcoming or recently released video game. Demos are typically released by the game's publisher to help consumers get a feel of the game before deciding whether to buy the full version." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_demo
Considering, it's my own opinion on the matter. I can dump on the entire game, seeing as I had a terrible time playing the game. I'm not going to give something a high praise if I dislike it.
Did I offend you by saying I had a terrible time with Beyond: two souls demo?
I personally, don't understand your hostile attitude towards me because of my PERSONAL OPINION of a game demo I tested out yesterday.
You do realise that game critics are paid to share their own opinions of games before releasing them to the web right?
That's why some games get a high score, and others get a poor score. It's not because every game is amazing, or crap. It's because reviewer A enjoyed the game, while reviewer B disliked that game they were paid to play.
And yes, I agree with the whole cod, moh and bf games being identical from the last. I do not play these games either, and don't get me started on shitacreed games, one of the series of games I dislike such as the Halo series too. Batman is a great example of things not changing in games, every combat fight is the same as the last, might explain why I didn't
complete the first game, and why I didn't buy the second in the series, or the latest release. Counter attacking for 7 hours isn't a fun experience.
Now back to Beyond two souls. The controls are limited to each quick time event, when on the loading screen of the demo, it even shows you which controls will be needed in the freedom of movement. That is both the left and right analog stick and the triangle button as the girl, the shoulders buttons R1 and R2 as the spirit makes you fly at different heights, while L1 lets you lock onto items and pulling the analog sticks into different directions allows you to knock items over.
From what I experienced in my short time on the demo, is that the game has very little button in put, making that when a quick time event kicks in, you moving the analog in one direction will have you watching a 5 second result of how you did with the stick movement, do it wrong and you come crashing down over a suitcase (yes. I moved the analog down instead of up as the camera changed to face the girl while fleeing the cops on the train >.<).
This minimal button inputs into this title is the reason why I found it boring, and it will not be on my to buy list.
As I best described it, it is more of a story driven (could be an amazing and emotional story) interactive video.
I'm not against games like this, I loved Heavy Rain, just Beyond: Two souls doesn't grab my interest at all, and playing the demo last night proved that for me.
I finally gotten around to trying the demo. I wasn't interested in the title when it was first announced. Didn't know what the two souls was till recently, then lost all care for the title when I found out it was about a spirit she could control.
After turning on the demo, I was pretty much going in with low expectations. And, boy, was my expectations right on this one. Did the bit as the little girl and was bored. Got to the next part of the demo where your on the train, and was at the point where I wanted to turn the game off. Gave it a chance, saw the quick time events when running along the train, and was like "nope, that's enough for me."
There is no real game play to this, apart from moving the right analog up and down, and sometimes side to side to hit the correct quick time event. Sure the game looks great, and is driven well by story, but if I wanted to sit back and watch something like that, I'd buy a DVD and get almost the same experience out of it.
I used to love the Pokemon games back in the day. Played both of Blue and Red, then Yellow, Gold, Silver, Sapphire, and the boring side games, such as Pokemon snap and stadium.
But as the games moved forwards, I slowed down the handheld games, skipping a few of the titles. I came back to Pokemon with Pokemon Black. This was one of the worst games in the series, and I had given up on my progress after about 6 badges. When I began seeing Pokemon named Trubish and the Ice cream cone, I got really annoyed by the lack of design that I didn't want to progress any further.
Pokemon to me, is a great nostalgia, that I don't see myself playing any of the later titles, since it will ruin what I loved so much as a child.
It is a good game, but it lacks a lot. There needs to be something that brings this game apart from it's original host. You can clearly see a lot of Fable design in this game, with some casually updated RPG elements. But I wish they went further and built in more of a RPG system, and locked zones off based on level, so you couldn't just run around collecting quests and become too lazy to clear them out one by one (like I did).
If I was forced to a small area of the map, till I completed more of the game. I would've been more excited to progress onwards. Having the freedom, removed much of the need to complete the quests that weren't as fun, and exploring didn't reward you enough.
Just my opinion. Also, I would love to see a #2 in the series. Less run in blind and hack and slash, and more working on dungeon running for real upgrades (boss loot etc, like a Diablo meets Fable design).
This game is the only thing that would interest me into the next Gen consoles at the moment. Everything else I want is either on the Ps3 (Last of us) or playable on the PC. It's a shame that this game is for the NextBox, which isn't my preferred console to buy out of the two next gens (if I was to buy one).
So all platforms have the same game? With the Wii U adding extra content (off screen play) and unique controls? But somehow gets less of a score for adding more of a game? I'm puzzled on how that works out.....
Might be best to change your reviewers Gamespot, because it seems like this guy has lost the plot on that more content from a great title is meant to be scored better. Not lesser than it's basics counter parts. I could understand if these additional options actually ruined the game, but from the sounds of it, they didn't effect much of the experience.
I'm on the same boat. Most online games are 1 person per console, so you don't need a second controller, unless you got a close friend or brother you play with from time to time.
It's a shame that the 3D tvs, they have this feature that lets you have the screen to yourself and player 2 has the same screen to himself (with 3D enabled, and having two left focals in one set of glasses, and 2 rights in the other), but the bad thing is. It's not done well enough to be viable, in dark locations you can see through to the other persons screen, ruining the experience.
Anything over 4 controllers isn't needed. The Xbone has 8, but how many games will run 8 controllers? a small handful. Most games, will do a max of 4 player split screen, so no need to add extra controllers, to support the few games, that 99% of the player base won't experience all 8 controllers.
Free to play games on mobile devices tend to be deleted within 2 mins of downloads. Their useless, and require a boring ass introduction to the game. Which gets me seeing how slow the process is, and I delete them. Many F2P games I don't bother with. Jetpack Joy is a good game, but it's not one I'd place any money into the upgrades, or graphic looks.
For Pc gaming, I've not once been sucked into purchasing a F2P item, and I don't see it happening soon. If I hit a brick wall because of timers etc. I will end the game and play something else.
Kos1c's comments