I know the era he came from. I grew up in that era as well, some of my all time favourite games were played in the 90's It just doesn't look good in HD, it makes it look really cheap, rushed in an easier sense.
I could've dealt with a Strider title that reminds me of a Metroid style level system, with what appears to be a lot of back tracking and room exploring. But the style of graphics (trying hard to be a modern day retro), the combat, as well as the animations push me away from giving this title a second glance.
I'll pass on this. I bought the other Minecraft Lego box last year for my brothers Xmas gift, and well I was disappointed in the size of the box, the amount of pieces (was like 300 pieces), which were all micro sized for £35. Minecraft and Lego really pissed me off when I forked out that amount, but I knew my brother would love this gift so I had to get it for him, so he could have that unique gift.
I don't remember where abouts I got too. I think I was finding the last triforce piece. I was about 12 years old when this title came out, but I didn't own a Game Cube, so the amount of time I got to put into the game was limited due to my brother taking the GameCube off me after 30-45mins of game play. So that would of been another reason I gave up on the title as I couldn't put in enough hours to progress respectively.
So I'm glad it's getting a re-release as I can finish off the title.
I never got to complete the Wind Waker due to the slow sailing in the game it kept taking my entertainment away from the title. I can't wait for the Wii U version, since I can sit comfortably in my room and play it.
I'm still not set on the cellshade graphics. But I don't mind it for one or two titles. I'm really hoping the new Zelda doesn't take the same route in graphics.
I've not played a Pikmin game, so I'm really curious on what the hype is all about. The Nintendo Land version of the game wasn't that interesting, but I'm assuming that was a pre-demo where mechanics have changed a lot for it's retail release.
I really hope Nintendo start bringing out more demos for their games, as I'm unsure on picking this title up without testing it first.
I'm not 100% on this, but I'm not hating it either. It looks fun, but I would love something more on the lines of Mario N64, something where each level has their own replay values.
I will probably get this title, beats those stupid Super Mario Bro's side scrolling titles. Played about 3 levels on the Wii U copy and sold it instantly after.
Well if this was for both the next gens it would've been good, and PC too. But for being a Xbox one (god I hate that console name), I couldn't care any less for this title.
I would only say make sure to remove the timer, and forced timed events.
Kos1c's comments