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Edited By Kos1c

@Kos1c I think it's only the PSP/PSVita which can remap the D-pad buttons to analog sticks, which is a shame.

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Oh, and "What makes a gun go gun?" xD

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@tempertress Ah man, with you never using that style of control, does that mean you never got to experience the greats of Resident Evil 2 and 3? Silent Hill 2 and 3 (PS2), or Dino Crisis 1 and 2? :O
If not, you're missing out! :P
If you ever get around to those titles. I think you can remap the D-pad onto the analog if bought from the PSN store ( http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/game/2settings.html )
If that makes the game any easier. :)

It's a shame from the video above, you guys never got into the Nightmare world of Silent Hill, that place shit me up when I first played the game, I must've been like 11 at the time.

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@moodyfoo I want some of the same crap? You actually being serious? You really think, the only people who would watch the Silent Hill movies (movies that were placed in cinema) are only the ones who've played the videogame , who know the exact storyline for it? So they can understand it fully?

Don't you think it's a bit selfish of the directors to skip important parts of the storyline from the game, so people who've never gotten to experience the game will completely miss out? Before you try to act all high and mighty, you should take a minute and think why are other people insulted by this movie, why has this movie been rated soo poorly. Instead of being an asshole.
I watched the first movie, and thought it was a terrible concept of Silent Hill, and saw 90% of the second one and felt it was poorly executed. You may of liked them, but more than half of the ratings out there don't.


It's in too much of a rush, and tries to cram in so much plot that unless you're familiar with the game it's closely adapted from, chances are it will leave you baffled."
This review sums up my opinion of the movie. I'm familiar with the game, so I can follow it fully, but it's rather annoying to know what happens in the game, and how close the movie could of been (it's like 80% of the game with a few major missing parts). I would've enjoyed the movie so much more if it was an exact copy from the game.

Oh, btw, just curious, are you one of the Resident Evil movie fans as well?

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Without the use of analogs it's not a bad system for a D pad controller. But growing up in the D pad world, it's easy enough to adapt to different control schemes, unless they are just 100% terrible.

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I'm unsure what the cell phone remark is about. I watched the DVD release since I knew it would be as bad as the first movie, to actually waste money seeing it in the cinema. The movie tried to follow the game more this time around. But the thing that bugged me was that they would explain some of the storyline, then skip a ton of it, and make up some very quick explanation of it. I can't recall what it was, but it was that high school cult kid told Heather something or gave her something, and she knew what to do without the need to explain it. I won't re watch the movie to remember exactly what it was ( I turned the DVD off before the end due to it being crap, was either go to bed now or watch the last 15 mins then bed).The game s worth the time, the movie is a skip for Silent Hill fans.

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How can you question the controls :O That's what we were all using back in the 90s, it's the same as Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, and Parasite Eve. Silent Hill is a great game, I do prefer Silent Hill 3 in the series, it seemed to have more depth put into it's storyline, just a shame they made an awful movie out of the games success.

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The new Tomb Raider was boring. As from seeing this video, reminded me of how boring it was. I got it on the PC, it looks amazing in detail once pushing everything to max, but other than that, it just handles badly. Combat is annoying with the other the shoulder cross hair, and quick time events are thrown a little randomly. I did die to a good amount of them because I was soo bored of watching cut scene after cut scene, that I wasn't really ready to mash buttons once they appeared on the screen.

This game is a nice change to the old Tomb Raiders (keeping in mind, the last I played was Tomb Raider 3), but it wasn't for me.

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It does look really good. I had to stop the video half way through, since it was just showing too much, and I didn't want to spoil anything in the game. It looks like a title I am picking up.

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Edited By Kos1c

I got this game on the 27th, my pre-order turned up a day earlier. I played the game for a good 2-3 hours, and I was enjoying it. I'm not a lego game fan (didn't play any of the others, apart from a little Lego starwars). This has the child elements in the game, but it's enjoyable for adults too. Some of the cut scenes are playful and just down right silly with laughter.

The game play is simple to pick up and get on going. It at first doesn't make clear what the lego blocks are for, but after a good hour into the game you begin to find out their a type of currency to unlock way points, ramps, vehicle spawn points and so on.

The only downside to this game is that there is a noticeable strain on the console at points when trying to load everything on the screen. I've had a few police chases and the game is getting a little jumpy and it just slows everything down. Other than that, and the long loading times, it is a great title for the Wii U.

This title is a must have for the Wii U owners.