I actually enjoy watching this and Random Encounter, it's just too funny. Watching someone progress through Tomb Raider to forget to hold walk at the edge of a ledge and fall to their death is priceless. It brings back the good ol' days when games were just poorly made, that being careless didn't get you far.
@deathblow3 Completely agree there. It was another case of 'GearBox to the rescue.' They seem to keep getting half finished projects, which they just don't see a way to fix them correctly. It's great that Borderlands worked out for them well enough. Duke Nukem wasn't a terrible game, but wasn't an amazing one either. I'm unsure how much Gear Box put into it. But with that terrible turn out, and now the Alien game being dropped on GearBox, it doesn't help but wonder if they would loose cross company work because of the two miss fortunes.
I was going to get this on the Ps Vita but then decided not too. Since I got bored of the Vita. But since I'm enjoying the Wii U a lot (a lack of games lately though). This could be a nice time to pick this up. But I'm not the biggest fan of Lego games, I may stick with the Lego City one.
This could've been solved in a better way. Gearbox could've told Sega that they aren't interested in building this game and that Borderlands 2 was a higher priority to them that it would be better to have another company join in. Instead of rushing a title and loosing a lot of respect from the gaming community. But I guess there are some smart people out there, and others who just want to 'wing it.' I wonder if other companies out there will skip asking Gear Box out for help, considering they didn't do the best of jobs with Duke Nukem Forever, and now this.
@frozenux I'm not thinking $299 would be the market the Ps4 is in. I said it would sell for a reasonable price (to me £300 is reasonable which is $450ish).
@frozenux The PS3 cost a lot to build due to BluRay drives were new and cost a lot. Now technology has stepped so far forward that the PS4 isn't really giving us anything new that isn't already on the market. You can buy bluray drives for like 60 bucks. Touch screen technology isn't new and isn't that costly either. They are packing a lot of features into the console, but not a lot of them actually cost a fortune. So we may see the next gen consoles being at an reasonable price instead of 200-300 bucks over that.
@ccgod @CraiZee1 Closer to $460 If the Ps4 does sell for around £260-300 for a basic model and £350-400 for a premium model. I may consider getting a basic, since I didn't see myself using the Ps3 much (only for certain titles). But for a next gen console for under £300 I wouldn't feel like I've wasted a lot of money.
@Sefrix It's a nice idea, but the Ps Vita screen is much larger than the tiny touch screen they have on the Ps4 controller. Plus don't forget the rear touch screen the Vita has.
I got a huge feeling this touch screen is a social hub.
It's the PS menu, where you slide left and right to open media/music/photos, system settings, and PS store/Web browser. Like a mini smart phone. I don't think it would have a lot of impact on games at all. But that's just my guess, considering it's size.
@therealrider Well it would be personal opinion on how they are laid out? I don't mind where the analogs are on the PS controllers. I just dislike them because they are shite. They don't feel smooth like the Xbox ones, are as responsive to them. It's like sliding a penny across a table, you want the penny to slide into a small circle, but it keeps going by a small momentum. This is how the Ps controllers feel, as soon as you let go of the analog the cross hair still glides that ever so slightly on the TV.
I don't recall this happening to me when I was playing the Xbox360 (been a long time since I owned one, both of mine RROD on me years ago, just didn't buy another).
@shadowhunter0 That is true (kind of forgot about that). But still not really worth the price of the console. I'm just disappointed that remote play was teased for the PS3/Vita, and then held back to be sold with Sony's new console. I don't really recall the last time I played my PS3, and don't see my plans changing towards a PS4. Since most games now get released for all platforms (excluding the Wii U atm), I could just buy a decent controller for the PC and just Steam Big Picture most games to the TV. But I will need to watch the video that was live streamed (couldn't get it to load on my Ipad2), to see if the Ps4 is actually worth my time.
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