@shadowhunter0 Sadly the remote play is for the PS4 and not the PS3 (as it was teased before the Ps Vita's release). I'm not interested in the Ps4 for a feature I can get with the Wii U. So it would be unlikely I would be keeping my PSV for much longer, unless a solid title I like releases.
@capturedrapture Persona 4 is still a copy of it's original counter part for the PS2, same with FFXHD. They are not orignal titles for the Vita, so for a solid RPG is still one to look forward too.
I tried that Ragnarok Odyssey demo, it reminded me much of Phantasy Star Online 2 for the Gamecube/Dreamcast, where you end up back tracking over the same style maps to completely different type of quests. Which made me turn down buying the title.
Soul Sacrifice looks a lot like Monster Hunter, but it's a shame it isn't out till like April.
@lokar82 One Rpg title is enough for a console? Also, Persona 4 came out in 2008 for the Ps2, so we get a enhanced port of a game as the only(?) RPG for the Vita so far. For enhanced ports, I'm waiting on the FFX Hd remake, but would like other options of turn based RPG's.
@Shadowhunter0 It's nice you're having fun with your handheld. I personally don't like mine much, was alright with Uncharted, but other than that, it was a little doll. Also for devs having to patch their games. I'm a little confused, aren't a lot of titles working with a PS3/PSV hack to run remote play? Battle Field 3, Call of Duty, etc all running over the remote play feature. So it's a little hard to believe what Sony is saying.
My PS Vita has been sitting in a draw for a few months now. Last game I tried playing was Little Big Planet (as fun as it was). It's a system I rarely use. I'm hugely disappointed in Sony for not releasing a solid remote play between the PS3 and Ps Vita. If they release it for the PS4 and Vita to be linked. I will sell my Vita and be done with Sony (I am 99% not getting a PS4/NeXtBOX, Rather stick with my gaming PC and Wii U for Nintendo titles).
Sony need to reduce the price in PSP titles and some PS1 titles. If you still own your old consoles you can pick up the physical copies for much less then the digital download price.
With the rumoured PSVita with HDMI ports is an interesting one. If my local shop does a trade in for my old one and a small fee. I may consider the next model for the whole playing Vita games onto the TV (but we'll see if it's worth it, since there hasn't yet been a solid RPG for the Vita).
@Karmazyn It's cos we're more likely the day one buyers for consoles. I did it for the 3DS and the Vita, and got rewarded with 20 games on the 3DS. I wonder if Sony will do something to reward the year 1 buyers for their new handheld. Also, I'm one of the week one buyers for the Wii U, I know Nintendo will step up and hand out freebies with it's new Emulator of it's Snes/Nes program if the console drops in cost.
The reason this did so well is due to the reviewers being told to keep their reviews of the game hidden till the day of release. A lot of major companies are releasing half arsed movies and games, and making sure the paid critics keep their mouths shut, till the day the open public get a hold of them. Meaning 90% of people will be too late to find out if the game/movie is a waste of time. So no wonder a hyped up title such as this went far in sales, because of pre-orders and the lack of information on how the game actually is. Everyone loves a horror based alien game, so it's an easy sell. But no one knew till the day it had released how lazy, or how often this title was thrown about between 3-5 different designers.
@adamrich81 @jcnba28 It's not really what Gamespot tells people and they follow (surely enough, most of the time they usually follow what others say).
But I believe it's down to the sheer higher expectation people wanted from this 'next gen' model of gaming.
They want to be closer to the counter part of PC gaming, with it's raw power being so much higher than current consoles. So with Nintendo bringing out the Wii (original), and it didn't even manage HD graphics. People will down play anything new by Nintendo without even testing the machine (The Wii U is my fav console by far).
Their now hoping that their 'real next gen' consoles (with it's blocking second hand games) will thrive the way forward of gaming, instead of ruining it for the major market (being the used game buyers).
These gamers who don't want to fork out £300-400 for a console release (I completely understand that's a huge amount), won't be happy and will complain and down put this machine. But when we find out the PS4 and neXtbox selling price, they could be much higher then the Wii U, will the same people complain, or they'd be happy cos it's just an upgraded spec of what their used too?
@emptycow @adamrich81 Not everything that is being released, needs to have some form of 'unique' use of the (as you call it) gimmick controller (the gamepad).
The Ps3 has a gyroscope based bluetooth controller. How many games actually made use of this Gyroscope gimmick? Any argument can be made against a single feature of a controller.
The Wii U's gamepad has the ability to give off tv screen display, which this game is using (maps, calls, quests, gear etc, and to even remote display the tv too) which is using the gimmick controller. If it wasn't using the Gamepad at all, it would just sit with a blank screen as you play your console games.
Try understand what the features of the console/controllers are before calling it a gimmick.
Kos1c's comments