With the need to be connected to the internet really sucks. I got a great internet connection, but once in a blue moon I miss my phone bill by missing the letter through the post, so I end up being disconnected for a day or two. So I'm not even able to use my console during that point.
Games not being re-sellable after first use, ok this is kinda good, kinda bad.
Good, means games should cost a lot less now, considering the PC market is around £15-25 cheaper than the current console market in price.
Bad, means you are stuck with terrible games, that paid for it's reviews, and advertisement instead of putting time into it's actually development time.
I'll wait to see disk prices before I consider another console, also see if the neXtbox is same as the 360 with more power, or going to try something different like Nintendo did with it's dual screen gaming, or what has been rumoured for Sony. Since console game in this generation isn't much different from the last gen, and I could just stick with my PC gaming, since that is the same as last generation too. So it kinda mutes the point in buying something the same with more power, when I could stick to my gaming rig and have more power still.
This was one of my fav games, and with it's expansion pack which brought in multiplayer made it one of the best games for me. I played it a few years ago mainly for it's multiplayer modes, but I would love to get it again. Shame they ruined the series with F.E.A.R 3, with having no online vs mode, but a stupid survival mode instead. >.<
Omg, that was funny to watch. I remember playing this game back in the day. It wasn't my fav game, I preferred Tomb Raider 2 in the franchise. I wanna see more of Johnny playing random games, he does come out with some random funny shit.
I tried the beta, did enjoy it, but felt it was missing a lot of features. Got told it improved during it's retail release, so I'll try this out again when it becomes F2P.
I'm really unsure on this title. I played the first one, and grew tired of the jungle areas, and beach resorts. The only part of the game I enjoyed with the slums and the police station. As this one looks to be set in yet another jungle, it may not hold my interest long enough to play through the game. I'll wait on more footage and see if there is enough city locations to make me want to buy this title.
@Phrosnite I completely agree. I am not bothered by DS3, since the first two were pretty crappy. Alright gameplay, with nice lightning, but there was just no fear factor, since there was too much action to often. Every new room you went into, you were attacked by a horde of enemies, which ruined the game for me.
GW2 was a bit meh. I played the beta and found it ok. I didn't buy into the retail cos my friend convinced me not too. He ended up buying a copy to play in the Beta. Just before the game hit retail, he asked for a refund, and got his money back, but they didn't revoke his CD key. After a while I ended up asking for his copy of him. Managed to hit level 25-27, while experience problems with the game. Every quest I was doing, I was 2-4 levels below the recommended level requirement (even after clearing all quests in the starting zones), the combat was repetitive as hell, and quests were just a copy of the one before. The game grew tiring that I felt like it was a waste of time. I dropped out after 3 days of playing.
I didn't get to play any of these titles. I really wanna play Farcry3, but I got a feeling that I'm hyping the title way to much for my own good. I played the last Farcry. and it was good, but after an hour or two, it got way to repetitive for my liking.
@DoomBFG86 RE, 1, 2, 3, outbreak, the GC remakes and other titles, as well as the survival series stayed the same, with the locked based camera angles, as well as 2D movement (up to walk forward, and having to turn often). RE4, was not like the originals.
To say RE 6 and Racoon City were just '3rd person shooters'. That is a wrong statement to RE4 and 5, they use the same style over the shoulder look with the red laser sight that RE 6 uses. So you can't say only one is a 3rd person shooter when it's two predicessors are identical in gameplay.
Resident Evil changed from RE4 onwards, it was an interesting but wrong change in the series. Gameplay got a little better, a little more modern, but the storylines got worse and worse. We wanted Zombies, we finally got them back in Re6, (not counting lolcity), but they threw too much of an action based game compared to what people were expecting.
Kos1c's comments