Oh man, I can't wait for this title. I really liked ZombiU, (well, until the stupid carnival bit at the end), and would love for another zombie game for the Wii U. Let's hope this one does everything perfectly.
I'm tempted to replay this. I tried the beta out but didn't buy the retail. But seeing as it's a F2P game now, I wouldn't mind spending some time on it.
@Overkillhazard I completely agree, Nintendo have really stepped out of the light of Sony and Microsoft, and made sure that their gaming experience is completely different (other than the game controller pro U), so it will be difficult to compare this experience on any other console/PC. With the design of the PS3 and Xbox360, back when they released, PC gaming was at an expensive and confusing cost. Now where PC components are getting more powerful and becoming super cheap each year. It's going to be really easy to out power the new consoles for roughly the same cost or less. With Steam recently bringing out the 'Big Picture', you can get a better graphic experience with a high end rig and a controller, and skip Microsoft's Nextbox and Sony's Ps4 all together. Steam's 'Big Picture' is my back up plan for a console/controller TV gaming experience, if Sony and Microsoft use this new system of blocking out pre-owned games. I don't mind spending a few bucks during a Steam sale and not being able to trade the game later on. It beats spending £40-60 bucks and being stuck with something that can't even run on the graphic and smoothness level of a PC game.
The reason the used game market is doing well is cost. The less we pay for things the happier we are. I'm bored of seeing titles go up and up in price every year. I remember when console games were about 30 bucks in the UK. Now AAA titles are trying to push the bar at £59.99 at times. Like wtf happened to allow such a thing?Nintendo Wii U games £54.99, sure their a new console based software, but most are just ports of other console games. Oh and the whole p*sstake that digital downloads are. They charge you way to much for a digital copy, way more than a physical copy is. You can rush out and get Call of Duty BO2 on it's day one release for £40, but if you use a download service from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft, they'd charge you over £50 for the same title, and you don't get the benefit of trading or taking the game to a friends house.I could've gotten used to the price of new titles being £39.99. But the minor few (Looking at games like CoD and Halo) where they think their better than the rest and deserve to cost you £49.99 and then extra for minimum content DLCs.
If Sony do go into this blocking pre-owned games, and still charge you stupid prices for their titles. I will skip their next console and stick with the Wii U and my gaming PC.
It doesn't look bad, but it's not pulling me into buying it. I got the Wii U for the whole gaming experience in your hand. It does the job well, a little slow on loading times, but enough to play video games in another room or while the TV is being used by another person. Fair enough this will do it well with streaming PC games and I would love that, but the layout is pretty 'erm... nasty. I wouldn't mind a Wii U tablet that would stream PC content through it, since it sits nicely in your hands, and is really simple to use as a touch screen device too.
@Oosaka-chan @baystatethrashr 36 achievements, significant online component (cloud save?), character booster, and the ability to be modded.Being that FF7 was a PSX exclusive, and being released twice for PC, I got some hope it will reach Mobile one day.
@everyday182 With that view of the world and people. It's basically saying, anyone who was thrown infront of a console while growing up, would be a killer. Your comment is true on the act of parents should play a bigger role in the lives of their children. But myself, I was born in 1987, I've been playing console games since 1990, and grown up playing all the new consoles, Sega Genisis, Snes, N64, Psx, and so on. Spending countless hours on them. I turned out fine, I know the differences between right and wrong, I know how to respect people, how to hold a door for a stranger, to be kind and poliet. A lot of this was due to just how a simple mind can make a great difference, and how they can read that killing in a video game is 100% different from killing someone real life. I honestly can say, anyone that has gone out and killed another being because they were influenced from Call of Duty, then that person must be special minded, because these cases of kids killing other kids and doing school shootings aren't down to video game. They could be blamed by 10%, but no where more than that. Because how does CoD, Battle Field, and so on, give you the bright idea to kill both your parents, and then kill a bunch of innocent people, especially minors.
Adding to my last comment. Because we're now apart of a more modern world, where Video games hold a huge place, it's easier to blame this without caring about facts. Let's go back to a case in 1999: One of the most prominent school shootings was that at Columbine High School, near Littleton, Colorado. On Tuesday, April 20, 1999, students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered thirteen people (twelve students and one teacher) on the school campus before they committed suicide, for a total of fifteen deaths. 24 others were wounded. This was at a time where Video games didn't dominate the world. What would they blame this on? Movies? Tv? Bullying? Bad up bringing what? Trying to throw the blame on something isn't going to make you seem a bigger man. Fix up the control of arms, so morons don't go about using this as an outlet to their anger of a bad up bringing.
I read a small amount of this before being bored of these claims. If video games were really the cause of this killings, why is it only in the USA you hear about these stories? When they control the law for guns, we'll see less of these stories over the news. But you can't blame video games because they have some sort of violence in them. Most people are smart enough to know that a video game is a video game, and things in the game shouldn't be copied in real life. There is a minor few who don't see the differences in the two, but that would be to a mental issue. A childs up bringing on a violent home, bullied by other peers would be the lead issue to why kids switch and attack the world.
I'm not against bringing out new ports, some people didn't get around to playing the original and didn't pick up the PSN and DS copies of these titles. So iOS and other mobile devices are a good market to throw these games into.
I will agree that Square Enix should be working on more important things, as in a HD remake of FF7, and then new titles (Kingdom Hearts 3, a new FF which isn't 13.1million).
Kos1c's comments