@Nosnitsttam I completely agree with you. I'm not too far into the game (3 or so hours), felt the combat was a little tricky, when you become over whelmed with Zombies, but it's meant to be more tactic based on how you survive. Make a distance between you and them and tackle one at a time, or use bombs, fire, and guns to tackle the horde.I would of loved a better system in how damage is done by the melee weapon. As Gamespot put it, you could be hitting a zombie a random number of times and he wont fall, while the next one will fall in 2-3 hits. This is something that needs to be corrected for if they made ZombieU 2.But anyways, for the amount of time I've used in the game I am really enjoying it. With the whole points system (trying to survive as long as possible), I am taking an even slower approach to progression, which brings up more fear since I don't want to die with a low score.I would rate this game a 7/10 since it has room for improvement, and I would love to see a second game in the series.
@hobotech64 @ZOD777 Actually they are SNES games. The PAL (EU) SNES game is a curvy cartridge while the NTSC (USA) cartridge is a blocky (NES look a like). I also thought they looked more like the old NES cartridges too.
Let's hope that other designers know what the Wii U is all about, and actually make good titles, instead of those people who are 'baffled' by a simple sync of console and tablet.
ZombieU has some good elements in it, but it wasn't executed well enough to make it a 8/10 title (I've not played it myself, but seen countless of reviews to use it as an example). The whole trying to distract you from the action by forcing you to use the tablet, while the gaming world continues, is a great, but simple design of the Wii U's new tablet controller.
Other games, use the Tablet to let the person holding it see hidden paths, mobs and more. These minor elements can change how the gaming world play. It wont change it for the core systems from Sony and Microsoft, but it can help improve them. Anyone seen the Playstation Move, and Kennect, they seem like they were taken off the Wii's remote idea of motion play.
Oh, well that was disappointing. This was one of the titles that was going to make me get the Wii U.I thought there would be a bit too much use of the touch screen controller in this game a while back.
Will have to see how the CoD BO plays out on the Wii U. If they do keep the whole, one person can use the tablet as their screen and the other can use the TV, this will make good use in my house hold with my brother and I playing against each other.
I'm really on the edge with the Wii U. I want it, but I don't. It's a hard decision. >.<
I really like playing games in bed, and having the lights off. It's why I got a Ps Vita (but didn't use it as much as the Ipad2, RPG's aren't in their plenty on the Vita yet).
Being that I can use it without the need of the TV is a huge plus for me, since it's just simple to drop it on the bed side table to charge.
Bad things for it, is the cost (roughly £360), and the lack of great titles for me to bend over backwards for em.
It's a Nintendo console, so it's going to be hard to judge before it's actual release and a few months pass (check the Wii and the 3DS, lack of major supporting games and companies).
I'm really hoping this console actually turns out to be good, because for games in bed, it'll be down to either the Wii U, or one of those new gaming tablets with the analogs attachments.
@mlcarter815 Ah man, you're right. I totally forgot about that. Thanks for the comment, may have to try save up a little extra to get my mother an Ipad mini or go with the first gen.
It's a shame since this is still fairly expensive for a 7.9 inch tablet (It's going to retail from £269 and up). Where you could buy a Kindle Fire HD for a little less and get almost the same experience from it. I was hoping to buy an Ipad for a family member for Christmas. But with this price tag. I'm unsure to just get them a second hand 1st Gen 64gig unit or a Kindle Fire HD.
This was one of the best games out on the Sega Genesis.
I really hope this will work on the PS Vita. If so, I will pick it up. I don't care for the online play. I would just love to have this game again on a handheld. I still got the original cartridge in the attic.
@sajman13 From what I wrote above I didn't once call you a name. I stated your actions were pathetic and stupid. So, no I don't need a PC screen to insult you, when clearly your actions show it off.
@sajman13 Lol, you feeling safe in your protective bubble behind that PC screen of yours? Really shows how pathetic you are. "Oh, I'm on the interwebz lets look tough." When you fail to read a comment, and need people like @lazerith91 to point it out for you, it really shows how stupid you are Sajman13.
Kos1c's comments