@Immolation01 @Gabo_Brown @Landsharkk I'm not completely agreeing to you there. Xbox360 and Ps3 games at the moment, are down scaled in graphic performance compard to a PC level of graphic detail (since you can change the graphic output).
Saying all Ps4 games will require a really high end PC is just absurb. Ps4 games will finally catch up to the PC world of gaming. It won't be the other way around. PC gaming is on a higher demand of power compared to a console. Now a console gets a well needed upgrade it deserves, it is still in the ball park of a slightly above average gaming rig. This will of course allow people to play the latest games on high settings, if you want to push a game to ultra, buy the machine for it. Because of course, a PS3 or 4 won't be pushing games to ultra graphic settings.
@CriticalCritic @Daian I've only played the first few levels, but it isn't as bad as I was first expecting. By no means is is an amazing game. It's playable and enjoyable, but I would prefer so much more from the title. (Better stealth, AI from the zombies, critical hit system, instead of hitting them 4 times with a pipe and moving on etc).
This game would need a large improvement for it to make sales on the Wii U. After the bash it took from the Xbox and PC release. Sega and the other companies working on this, would need to show the improvements if they wish to get past the people who are now against the title, due to the lack of professional work in the other platform copies.
I will not touch this title if it releases for the Wii U. Unless it's put back into production for a good period of time. A rushed fix won't cut it.
It was only time that this silly rule would've been removed. To be honest, anyone else notice that Nintendo are touching waters with new ideas. This whole buy the part of the game you like with Tank Tank Tank, or a two online battle daily cap.
Then the whole controlling the eShop with 18+ titles during set time limits. Honestly, I don't think this is the last thing we'd see from Nintendo, that just seems a little odd.
I didn't find this title great for the PC. Rushed to inferno mode, and saw nothing special there, so didn't continue playing it. Read all the updates since, but not tested. Could be worth a check on the Ps3, but at the moment, it's not on my line of titles I must get.
I'm a little disappointed another title that would be good on the Wii U will never see the light of day. Dead Island 1 was an alright game, but wasn't anything special. I am willing to skip this title. If it had came out on the Wii U, that could change, since my Wii U library of games is somewhat slim, that any 'Good to Great' game would be picked up for it, so I have something to do on the new machine. But since a lot of companies are skipping out at the moment, it needs for Nintendo to get out that one or two big hitter titles, so these designers know that there is some money to be made with the new Nintendo console.
It's easy to make a comment about most PCs. A lot of the gaming rigs, aren't sold as a built spec, like a console is. If you're going for a gaming PC, you usually find one built by a custom shop or order the parts yourself (unless you're foolish enough to buy from say Pc world). So it's easy enough to compare a new gaming console, to a basic PC rig being sold by most companies. But if you're going to pull out statistics from your ass, you better make it a better argument instead of "Hey, this console has 8gb of RAM it is better than most PCs out there!" When truly that isn't the case, a lot of PC's ship with 4-6gb of ram (as a standard office/social PC), when you buy a PC to have any sort of gaming attitude to it, you'll up that to the max of 8gb for gaming, or higher for editing/programming (since video games don't use more than 8gb of RAM in a 64bit version). I'm just glad I've not played a Just Cause game, the suck up attitude this guy has for Sony is really appalling, that it makes me rethink his work.
I'm playing this on the PC at the moment. It's an alright game, not an amazing game. But one with great detail, and character motion/reactions to surroundings. But the game doesn't feel solid. I'm about 4-5 hours in so far. I wouldn't rate this near the 9s in my book. For my personal opinion, it's a good change to the series so far, somewhere in the 7s-8. I'm hoping it picks up the further I get in. I'm noticing a lot of cut scenes, and a lot of character control being stolen off me (where the computer takes over, to show you minor things with the camera, randomly picking up a stick on fire for a barely dim cave).
Kos1c's comments