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I'm very sad to hear this. Rest in piece Andrew Reisse. Your work with the Oculus will be enjoyed around the world once it is released, you won't be forgotten for your help on moving gaming into the next generation.

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Edited By Kos1c

#3, you are a whiny little bitch!

Dead island one was a let down mainly for it's locations, not sure how many people find poor holiday locations all that fun for a survival horror, but meh, each to their own.
The second one continued the poor locations, and didn't really improve on anything from the looks of things, that I decided to save myself the 30 bucks it would've cost to buy it from Steam and just skipped the title.

Great to see another Feedbackula.

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Edited By Kos1c

@StonerDemon Nintendo are a game and console manufacture. They are just improving their console into a market that has yet to be taken advantage off.
I'm not a Nintendo Loyal, nor Sony or Microsoft loyal, I am a gamer, therefor any game in front of me should, and will be played.

Now, that Nintendo have the only touch pad console on the market, they can take advantage of that market, and sell iOS/Mobile games through their shop, or combine a shop with Apple/Android and get a lot more interest and business through their servers.
Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 can not touch this market seeing as they do not hold the tablet connection to be able to play these games.

Ps4 has yet to show a tablet accessory for it's console, and the neXtbox hasn't shown it's controllers, or accessories. So till then Nintendo will have a unique feature in it's console over the two next gens.

So it's not a sad, or a useless idea, it's actually quite genius if you ask me.
A home console with a bunch of top grade retail games, and a library of say 500-1000 mini games that would run for less than a few bucks. Would easily please a lot of people.

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@Nepti I can see where you're coming from. But as the article says "Inside sources have said they are trying to modify the console."
I don't think they had made the claim "we are doing it in hope we get a better sale." I got a high feeling that was added by the reporter, to make it seem more of an issue to the reader.

Anyways, my point is, no one outside of Nintendo would know if this was intended as part of a patch update , that they had planned from day one.

Remember all the reports saying "Mobile gaming is the way forward, no one will want the 3DS/Ps Vita etc."

So bringing the mobile gaming to a console is a step over the PS4 and neXtbox. Would having more power graphic be better, over having a catalog of say 1000 gaming apps from the iOS devices, at the price tags of under 10 bucks.

I welcome the mobile games to come to the console, but Nintendo will need to address the free to play model, and make sure that companies such as Gameloft, do not take the piss in making you pay for timers with in app purchases.

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Rest in piece, it's a shame when one releases such greatness, that they are taken so soon after.

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It's a welcomed option. It's like the kick starter console, but this having the ability to play AAA titles. The more the mobile market is pushed into sharing the console market, the more this gets better.

There isn't a thing wrong having this option, it is a tablet after all.

I'm unsure why people are saying "I wont buy a console for mobile apps."

The Wii u, does have the ability to play AAA discs. This is an additional option, just like indie games on the ps3/Xbox market.

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The first game was alright, but it was brought down by it's bugs and lack of decent environments. With Riptide not really improving the game as such, they have gone back to using doll environments. Since seeing this game was going to be jungle set, I was ready to skip it the moment I laid eyes on the concept art.

I would've given this game some hope, if they had set it somewhere a bit more entertaining, a massive modern day city, which receives an out break, would've kept me feeling more at home with a title like this. But a quiet, doll jungle, meh. Really lost me there.

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@Saketume @starduke I completely agree with Saketume, this game shouldn't be brushed off because the camera angle and controls look a little bit difficult to use. A good 20 minutes into the game and you'll have them mastered.

This is the type of game to be played, not the type to watch. It's a great game, one of the best classics out there, but it was a poor choice for this type of show.

Silent Hill doesn't really open it's self up as quickly with a horror aspect, such as say F.E.A.R (f*ck every and run). It's the same as the original Resident Evils (1, 2, 3 and spin offs). You won't get much out of the game within the space of an hour, let alone giving the game to someone who've never played it before (Jess), so we didn't get to see much of what the game offers in the live stream.

To the comment on Resident Evil 4, the controls (well red dot sight), I remember the shooting to be awkward, and the turning to be a bit heavy, but it was more of 'learn to adapt' than anything else. Most games are like that, or they just use the same style as every other game out there so people don't have the need to adapt. But truthfully I would personally say, if you get a chance to play any of the Silent Hill originals (1, 2, 3) you shouldn't turn down the chance. Or grab a copy of the Hd remakes, and turn it onto 3D movement in the options (hold up to move up, down to move down, no more turning on the spot to run away).

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I know where your coming from. Some movies work with a larger screen, but most movies should be great both on and off the cinema experience. So it's a bit of a hard one to judge.
A movie should be as great on both a standard size Tv (My bedroom one is a 47", 3D tv, so it's above a standard 32"), and cinema screen.
In this case, Silent Hill the movie was still a terrible experience in plot, as well as execution, I probably would've felt the same seeing it in the cinema. Last movie I went to see in the Cinema was Toy Story 3, that was a huge let down, but Disney Pixar "Up" was a great movie to watch and that was done on a standard 23" monitor.

So what I'm pointing at is, it isn't how you watch a movie, it's how entertaining a movie is. Sure the experience helps you enjoy a movie a lot more, but when you're planning on to get a DVD copy. You will never be able to replicate a cinema experience at home without the 40 foot screen and hall style surround sound.

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Impressive tablet, but the cost is just too rich for a lot of people. It's the stepping stone for the future of portable gaming. Give it a few years, and other tablets will push to this level without the high price cost. Razer are known for high end prices, so I'm not too shocked this is up there as well.