im really hooked into the game. ive been having alot of fun doing all the different stuff (owning houses, renting them out, become a 5 star blacksmith, questing, finding clothes that i like, etc etc)
Just play the game and judge for yourself. So far the lowest rating seems to be GS and that was an 8.5. I mean since when has 8.5 been awful. I know that about 70% of the readers on GS don't have a brain and just judge a game by the reviews, but I am picking up Fable 2 tomorrow and if you aren't because of the ratings, then you're an idiot.
Im going to be getting farcry 2 and I just can't wait to get immersed into the world. Dead Space looks very immersive as well but horror 3rd person shooters aren't usually the type of games I like to play (Scaredy-Cat...i know)
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