i would suggest a rental. i rented it and played it through and loved the experience but was thankful that I didnt spend $60 buying it. Its a great experience that most will only play through once.
I live in Florida and cockroaches are just a way of life. However, thankfully, my apartment isn't infested with them nor do I have to go on a killing spree when I wanna go to the bathroom late at night. :)
this is something that i have been struggling with. i really only want to get ONE game but these games are too hard to choose from. I really have been liking the videos for Far Cry 2 and it seems to be something that I would enjoy alot. However, Fable 2 seems to just be amazing in every aspect. I think i might just have to get both.
its all about balance brother. spend more time with your gf and less time with a stupid video game system. if she is important to you, show her by not always playing 360 when shes around. you might really miss out on someone special because of your 360.
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