@alireza125 I doubt this would have got 8 if Tom McShae reviewed it, he seems to be a pretty harsh reviewer while many other Gamespot reviewers see 8 as a pass mark.
@ffspyda A different reviewer. Different reviewers will always come up with different scores. Carolyn, who reviewed Origins, tends to be pretty tough while a lot of other reviewers see an 8 as the average mark.
@olegavi323 @GAJY_FILTH The only one I played was MW2 and like you I didn't even finish the single player, it was too linear for my liking. Also why didn't I kill that terrorist at the airport? He was right there, I could have killed him severely hampering and maybe even destroying his organisation but instead I killed a bunch of civilians. For what? I can't imagine I could have gained much more by retaining my cover. No it felt like IW just wanted to give me the chance to kill innocent people and killing innocents without good story motivation left a bad taste in my mouth.
@iamllamapie Please supply us with some examples, the long-in-development games I can think of all got 8's and 9's. GTAV, the Last of Us and Bioshock: Infinite all scored relatively highly.
Excitedly waiting all the conspiracies of why the XBox One version review is still under embargo. Please tell me yours and let your fanboy flag fly; it'll be like my own personal Feedbackula.
@elegantspock @rad8045 Dude your lack of empathy for animals makes you come across as a borderline serial killer, I think you're the one who needs help.
Kraken422's comments