Today was the final school day of 2005 for me. It was only a half day, but, unlike most school days, it was very fun. I'll be breaking it down for you. Humanities: We watched most of the second half of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Oh well, no Humanities work :D Swimming: We just went all out for the whole lesson. During this time, Jack asked me for a small favour, and I jokingly stated I would do it if he got a certain girl I like" to give me a hug. Well... Breaktime: Went to Library, hung around with Jack and the aforementioned girl (she is just my friend... all in good time ;)) and well, at the end... long story short, I now owe Jack a favour. BIG. Oh yes. Tutor Party: After that, back to the tutor room where we just had a little party. I went on a compy (we have a computer room) and just listened to a bit of Sonic Rush music. Very good. And to top it all of, that's it for 18 days. This may or may not be my last blog post until at least January 3rd, or it may not be. But, if I haven't made a blog post by the 21st, you may have to wait a while for the next... Krazykraz01
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