I've noticed a circle of ripoffs, and they have all managed to stem from the Pokemon TV show, funnily enough (I no longer like the show, just the video games, which completely rock). First there was Pokemon. Then, one day, the abysmal Digimon came, ripped everything off right down to the name, then one day, on the back of the game box, said "Beats Pokemon hands down!" How sad, copying something then putting down the original. Then came Yu-Gi-Oh, which, although generally said to be a lot better than Digimon (not to mention not quite as much copied from Pokemon) I never really liked it. It might be because of the whole card thing. There was a small similarity to Pokemon, though. Now, closer to the present day, the stupid show "Duel Masters" came out. It was a rip off of a part-rip off, and then described as "a game like no other". How sad. Finally, Beyblade. This wouldn't have been so much of a rip off, but thanks to the whole monster thing and the fact that Tyson looked a complete rip off of Ash, it couldn't be ignored that Pokemon influenced it. Now, for the most recent one: B-Daman. I know this was made by the same people as Beyblade, but they DOWNGRADED it. It was a similar show, though. So, all that was possibly spawned by Pokemon. Crazy, eh?
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