@bledsoe45sbc @KristoffBrujah We should fire the booth babes and cheerleaders. Then they can feel good that they are no longer objectified... or employed. :/
I can't wait until the social activists who want to control games turn Lara Croft into an overweight couch potato. We wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of millions of overweight couch potatoes, let's be "inclusive."
Jade Raymond is female, and she was the exec on the AC2 project. We still ended up with a wickedly handsome and clever alpha male. Why? Because Ezio sells. Even my little sister wanted to play that game after seeing Ezio. I like Lara Croft, who is a Drake/Ezio with a vagina. These clever, attractive alpha personalities will always be the preferred archetype. And yes, Lara will be a bit more sexed up to please the mostly male audience. No harm in that.
@goggles123456 @KristoffBrujah @experience_fade It probably is not healthy. But we're a species that lived for tens of thousands of years committing violence. People killing people, people killing animals, animals killing animals, etc. So after hundreds of centuries of conditioning ourselves to be violent animals, we're supposed to just give it up? Ain't happening.
Personally I'll take fiction as an outlet rather than a non-fictional outlet.
@goggles123456 @KristoffBrujah @experience_fade People buy violence because they want violence. They want it in books, they want it in movies, and yes even games. Game of Thrones, most popular fantasy book, most popular HBO show: infanticide, rape, torture are just 3 of the dozens of forms of violence in that series.
It ain't games, buddy. It's society. Go change society first.
@experience_fade @KristoffBrujah @goggles123456 Where is the evidence that women are unhappy with games? Or is it just Ms Romero and a handful of others are unahppy? Because the game industry looks pretty dang healthy.
The gaming industry investors have a pulse on the gaming industry. It exists to make money for its investors.
It does not exist to push political or social ideologies for the good of humanity. Sorry. Pick up a book if that's what you want. There are plenty of positive fictional portrayals of women written by women, but you might have to walk away from the Playstation to find it.
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