N+ and Killzone:Liberation. Both games are extremely addictive, very fun, but can make me so mad that I get within about 2 seconds of throwing the control through the TV.
Krusher26's forum posts
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and God of War: Chains of Olympus are definitely the best. I would have to give the nod to Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. It's simply incredible.
I'll limit it to 5 per system up to age 14
1. Astrosmash
2. Space Invaders
3. Donkey Kong
4. NFL Football
5. Tank Battle
1. Super Mario Bros 2
2. Battle Toads
3. Super Mario Bros 3
4. Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt
5. Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
1. Mario Kart
2. Batman Returns
3. Super Mario World
4. NBA Jam TE
5. NHLPA Hockey 93'
I think Capcom should make a new game based off of the gargoyle Firebrand character. Demon's Crest from the days of the SNES was a great game, but I don't recall Capcom making a follow -up to that game. Your thoughts?
Aren't there any action/fighting fans around here? Here's my top 5
1. Castlevania Portrait of Ruin
2. New Super Mario Bros.
3. Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword
4. Contra 4
5. Bleach: Blade of Fate
I can't say just one, in fact I have a Top 5 list
1. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (PS2). I know some people think it's too "repetitive" but the fun of the light sabre fighting is tough to beat
2. Batman Returns (SNES). In the peak days of the 2D side-scrolling fighters, this one was the best, with apologies to the Final Fight series on the SNES.
3. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (NES). One of the most underrated games, ever. It combined elements of action, RPG, and even early RTS to make a great action/adventure game.
4. 007 Golden Eye (N64). Stated by enough people already, but a great early FPS.
5. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (PS2). A great melee weapon game, especially when using Aragorn.
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